Tuesday 5 January 2016

Animal Tales 51

Happy New Year and welcome to Animal Tales, the blog linky that brings together all sorts of animal blog posts from all over the world.  It runs from Tuesday morning thought to Thursday night and showcases a wide range of animal related posts. 

Piglet Escape

The piglets are now 8 weeks old and have been weaned from Coco.  She is enjoying a bit of time on her own with extra rations as she has lost some weight feeding 10 hungry mouths.  Yesterday we let the piglets out into the field for the first time on their own, planning only to leave them out for an hour or so when, in fact, we got tied up with launching our new website and changing email addresses so it was dark when we came to put them to bed.  I was a bit worried we'd struggle to find them in the dark, but I need not have worried.  They had somehow managed a great escape and headed back into the barn ... only to detour to the store of sugar beet I have for their feed.  Those 10 naughty piglets went to bed with very full tunnies last night! 

I am not sure if I am more cross with the fact they escaped and went to the store or pleased with their ingenuity in getting (almost)  home as darkness fell.  What do you think?

This is one of the piglets we will be keeping and I think she may have been a escape team ring leader! 

Favourite Animal Tales

Thank you to everyone who linked up with last week Animal Tales before Christmas, which seems an age ago now!  No prizes for guessing which was my favourite linked post - it just had to be the hippo post from ChickenRuby - thank you so much!

Over to you now.  Please add your posts below. The posts can be old or new and as varied as the animals who we share our world with. If you tweet with the hashtag #AnimalTales I'll retweet you. Just give me a nudge if I appear to have forgotten you.

Full details of the linky can be found here but can I remind people of a couple of the "rules":
  • Please can you comment on at least 2 other blogs linked up - that is, after all the whole purpose of joining a linky to find and comment on more blogs and hopefully drive traffic back to your blog.
  • Please can you include my badge (preferably) or a link back to this blog.
  • Pinterest - not a rule but for even greater exposure of your blog post please do join the Animal Tales Pinterest board and pin a picture from your linked posts.
  • Can I remind people not to add sponsored posts or paid-for reviews.  Eco-Gites of Lenault has no advertising on it and I am not comfortable promoting products or companies I know nothing about.


  1. She looks like a ring leader! I think you should be pleased they made it home - much easier to replace the store then it is a piglet right?

    I'm not at all prepared for animal tales this week and have nothing new. I'm going to add an older link which I don't know if I've linked before or not.

    1. I think you may have added it but no worries. And yes, she does look like a ring leader and she is one we are keeping!

  2. The new blog looks pretty!

  3. Well done the piglets, I'd be lying if I said this had never happened to us! Piglets are great escape artists, glad you got them all back safely.

    1. I was so surprised both that they had ALL got out and they had ALL gone home ... although later when I looked at the footprints in the mud they didn't take the completely direct route!

  4. That piglet is SO cute - Grace would love one!! Thank you for hosting :) x

    1. Cute yes and VERY naughty ... and she is one we are keeping!

  5. Hi Rosie, oh, how cute. It reminds me of the time when as a toddler my daughter 'disappeared' (in the house we were living in at the time) and I found her sitting quietly in the wardrobe munching on Milky Bars I had put away there. She's not going to be too pleased being compared to piglets, but I think it's rather fitting.

    Thank you for hosting.


    1. Ha ha that's a great story and a very good comparison. I hope she wasn't sick afterwards.

  6. Ha Ha! Naughty pig escaping. I Love the photo and think they are very clever returning home before dark! Thanks for hosting #AnimalTales Angela

    1. Pigs are very clever which is probably why they are they manage to escape so often!

  7. Naughty clever piglets! :)

    I've added a subtitle to my link as I realised it may cause worry and upset before people click. Stella's in good form and waiting for Woof Wednesday walkies :)

    1. PHEW - my heart sank when I read the first few words of your link up. I'll be along later for a proper read. Saari is also up for a treat later as we have a long lake-side walk planned.

  8. I'm sorry but those piglets are just too gorgeous even if they are naughty escape artists! Happy New Year!

    1. I know - it is impossible to stay cross with a piglet for any length of time.

  9. He he he that is such a funny story and the piglet is adorable. There's me thinking it was goats who liked to escape :)

  10. sorry for the dump and run the last few weeks, i will be back to comment this evening on 51 & 52 properly and read and comment on the other posts I have saved for a catch up, I've been so busy with the new job I've hardly turned the lap top on since the new year

  11. I think the piglets are clever lets swines (pun intended)


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