Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Getting Things Done The French Way 3

I have now finished the process of signing up for the Auto-Entrepreneurs scheme for becoming self-employed in France.  As I was starting work for somebody else at the the time I had to set this up to get paid by them. Having put down on the form what work I was going to be doing, I received the paperwork back saying my principle activities are 9609Z Autres Services.  Non the wiser I thought fine - that is basically what I'm doing.  So whilst taking to a friend later I was a little surprised that 9609Z Autres Services is the code for these services;

- Activities of astrologers and spiritualists
- Activities related to social life, such activities hostesses, dating services and dating agencies
- Activities psychologists from individuals outside counsel for therapeutic use
- Activities sophrologists with individuals outside counsel for therapeutic use
- Services for pets: accommodation, care and training
- Services for genealogical research
- Activities of tattooing and body piercing
- Services of shiners, porters, parking attendants vehicles, etc..
- Operation of machines personal services that work with coins (photo booths, scales, measuring blood pressure, instructions for parts, etc.)

So an interesting career path I can take now!

As it happens I'm going to have to change from the Auto-Entrepreneur set up of self employment, to a different method, as I want to set up in Landscaping, conservation and fencing etc. (as I did in the UK).  So this will now involve another session of form filling, going round in circles and getting nowhere fast.

And whilst I'm on this subject, I am off to DREAL this afternoon (Getting Things Done The French Way 2) to get the Toyota headlights checked to see that they conform - even though they have been passed twice now. I'll let you know how I get on!

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