Saturday, 6 August 2011

The Waiting Is Over.

Charlotte's 7 Piglets
Very late yesterday evening I thought I'd give Charlotte a final look in before I went to bed.  Rosie felt she was at last going into labour and this was obviously the case when I went to her sty.  At 11:40pm the first piglet arrived.  Followed 30 minutes later by numbers 2 and 3.  Number 4 quickly slipped into the world soon after - so quickly in fact that I missed it when I went to close the sty door.

Number 5 took it's time to appear and eventually came out rear end first - hence the delay, maybe.  We now had 5 ginger and black spotted piglets - all looking the image of their dad.  This seemed to be it and nothing else was happening. As Charlotte had only had small litters previously we decided it was time to turn in.

This morning when Rosie went to feed Charlotte and check on the piglets she found we had another two - both black and white this time. All are doing well and are presently having a good feed.


  1. Awwwwwww :)

    (perfect in a bun!)

  2. Absolutely gorgeous.

    Sue xx

  3. They've been up and about play fighting and exploring lots today. Too cute.

    Jo - but I reckon you need 2 for a baguette ;-)

  4. With brie, I assume?

    *drools in an unseemly manner and heads off to the kitchen*


  5. @Squirrel family - sorry, didn't see your comment until now. They are Kune Kune's, a New Zealand breed half way in size between a pot-bellied and a normal smaller breed of pig (although our male is pretty large). They are very friendly, so great for when we have guests in the gite and are quite hairy which helps keep them warmer in the winter.

  6. Oh my those are the cutest ever. I will show him the pics when I get home.


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