Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Hard At It (ish)

Play Barn Floor
Last week's heavy rain has meant a slow down in some of the work, Although we did manage one nice afternoon on the beach. And whilst we enjoyed the sunshine by the sea those that stayed in Lenault enjoyed a full afternoon of rain.

This week the weather has improved and as Ady (Helpex) has continued his good works in the Old Bakery I have been doing various jobs around the place plus made a vast improvement to the play barn area.  I have now constructed a wooden floor and as it previously only had a mud floor with a farmers method of a damp proof course - old plastic fertiliser bags - it is now a much more pleasant place to play and/or sitting. Unfortunately this now makes the walls look even worst and those rotting timbers are next on my list.
Old Bakery

Ady has done great works in the Old Bakery and it is fitted out with a sink and work preparation area plus it now incorporates some wall units.  This will be used as the animal feed store, butchery and food prep. area. We - well Ady - have also moved the stairs.  I had put them centrally with the idea of shelving under them, but now we - well Ady - has put all the other equipment in place it made more sense to move the stairs to the back wall.
Prep Area

So upstairs will be for storage and we - well mainly Ady (but I did help a little) - have knocked a passage way through the wall into the adjacent workshop/garage upper floor.  This means that this space can be utilised better instead it being 'the where shall I put that' place!  Only problem is we are running out of 'the where shall I put that' places - but I'm sure we'll find somewhere new!


  1. Great storage area. I like your prep area, will be very useful for when you have to do some butchery work.

  2. Excellent work - will you be able to have a cool/chill cabinet of some sort? That was our problem when we slaughtered our pig - it suddenly turned unseasonably warm so we had to butcher immediately instead of chilled hanging for a day or two.

  3. Thank you - it will certainly help with butchery and we are planning a pig etc hanging area under the stairs.

  4. It's all looking very organised and neat, it should make life a whole lot easier for you all to work.

    Sue xx


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