Tuesday, 17 May 2011

A Good Reason to keep those Weeds

Posted by Rosie

I just happened to look out of the kitchen window this morning and spotted these 2 goldfinches feeding on the groundsel plants that have gone to seed.

It's not the best photo I'm afraid but there was no way I could get any closer.

Golfinches are one of my favourite birds and quite common around here.  They love seeds of plants such as groundsel and thistle so if you can leave  patch of these "weeds" somewhere for them they'd be most grateful.  (It's the perfect excuse not to do all the weeding!)


  1. by 'weeds' i think you mean 'wild flower meadow' :)

  2. My landlord ruthlessly cuts everything that grows over half an inch, but there *are* lots of beautifully maintained hedges all over his farm and an abundance of trees, so the birds can't complain too much.

  3. Nice capture of the birds & a just reward for maintaining the meadow!

  4. "Meadow" may be a bit of an exaggeration - it's the field out of the back that we are supposed to be seeding after Simon dug it up to put in the septic tanks. No rain means it hasn't been seeded though and the only thing growing is groundsel and the odd stinging nettle!


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