Sunday, 25 July 2010

Maybe 17 courgette plants was a few too many

Posted by Rosie

I have a sneaking feeling that maybe planting 17 courgettes was just a few too many!! This is SOME of what I harvested yesterday, having already cooked several and sold some others. However I do have a brilliant recipe for hot chilli courgette pickle, courgette chocolate cake is fantastic and the pigs will eat them........ lots of them it would seem.


  1. Yes they are THE most prolific of plants aren't they. I can barely keep up with ours,it seems as soon as I pick some they churn out some more.

    Courgette Carbonara is our favourite at the moment and Courgette and Tomato Pasta sauce.

    I haven't tried the chocolate cake though!!

    Sue xx

  2. theres always the pigs as you say :)

    i 'only' planted 12 plant this year

    we have a courgette mountain...

  3. If you have a mountain I dread to think what we have :-)


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