Sunday, 11 July 2010

Gingerbread Men

Posted by Ben

We made Gingerbread Men yesterday morning. We had great fun, we made a lot of mess and the dough was really, really big. We cut loads and loads of shapes and Sally (my aunt) made several dinosaurs and a pterodactyl and a scottie dog. Tom made a HUGE fish and he it it all. Here is Tom, me and Lou (a HelpX helper) making the gingerbread men. Mum says please ignore the messy house.


  1. Ben ..what fun , my daughter loves making gingerbread men ( don't tell anyone but she is 25 ! :) )

    Enjoy the rest of your holidays .


  2. Hi Ben
    I love making gingerbread men too, everyone in our house eats them not just my 3 year old son!
    Have a look at my recipe if you like:


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