Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Busy in the kitchen

Posted by Rosie

I have now (almost) cleared the backlog of harvested fruit and veg that was cluttering up the kitchen. Tomorrow I will pick a load more and get on eating, freezing, pickling etc yet more fresh produce.

I took this photo a couple of days ago when I had made Tomatillo Relish, Pickled Runner Beans and Pickled Cabbage, Chilli Piccalilli and Marrow and Ginger Jam. After today I can now add to this list: - Tomato Ketchup, Hot Chilli and and Courgette Pickle and Bread and Butter Pickles (i.e. pickled cucumber, pepper and onion). I do like laying down supplies for the months to come with a few extras I hope to sell. In fact, one of the builders bought some Marrow and Ginger Jam and Chilli Piccalilli and would like to buy some more soon.

It wasn't just preserves though - there was a couple of skinny leeks and a rather root-fly eaten carrot; they went in tonight's mince with the passata left over from the ketchup recipe. Simon barbecued some custard marrows in an oil and herb dressings for lunch and I made a salad from tomatoes, rocket, mizuna and a bit of left over feta (all lurking in the fridge). The beans were a bit tough so they went in the pig bucket with a few sad-looking apple cucumbers. A neighbour had given me a bag of late plums and they've been stewed. Everyone was too full for pudding tonight but at least that means I can have them for breakfast.

But I didn't manage to completely clear all the harvest - I picked a cabbage to go with the mince and only afterwards remembered I had some broccoli in the fridge. That'll have to be eaten tomorrow. I also still have a bowl of physalis or cape gooseberries. I did dip some in chocolate to decorate a friend's birthday cake but the rest are sitting on the side. Somehow though, I don't think they are going to last very long! They really are delicious and with British supermarkets selling them at £8.40/kg, whilst I may not have a lot, I reckon I do have a bargain treat there.


  1. busy times. often hard work.. but so satisfying

  2. Wow - fabulous array of pickles, you must feel very satisfied having them all ready for your stall. The tomato and chilli one sounds especially good to me.
    I have only just put some tomato and chilli seeds in, hope they germinate OK, didn't have much luck last season with the chillies and had to resort to buying a plant as it got a bit late.
    Good to be able to use up little bits of your harvested veg too.
    Bridget :-)

  3. You seem to be doing in France exactly what I'm doing in England at the moment, parallel lives!!

    Love seeing your goody stash, I love opening my cupboards at the moment and seeing row upon row of multi-coloured jars of summer goodness, waiting to be used in the dark, cold days of winter.

    Sue xx

  4. Fruit this year has been just fantastic, and we still have the quince harvest to come. The only disappointing yield has been of sweet peppers, very small compared to previous years.

  5. Wow - all that industry! You make me feel guilty.
    It looks and sounds perfectly delicious (I was salivating whilst reading) and very satisfying to look at on the larder shelf.
    Have you, by any chance, come across any sauekraut crocks over there?

  6. Thank you and yes - I do feel very satisfied with my burgeoning larder.

    Jon - you could have some of my peppers - they have fruited well although refused to go red. If I leave them they start to rot so no red pepper and rosemary jelly this year.

    LPF - funny you should mention saurkraut crocks - I've not seen them before but was thinking about having a go making sauerkraut so will keep my eye out for a crock at Sunday's Boot Fair. Sauerkraut is eaten here with sausages and pork chops and every autumn the village has a celebratory meal as decribed called the Choucroutte (the French for sauerkraut). Previously I had always thought of it as just a German food but it is very popular here too.


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