Tuesday 2 September 2008


Listen - can you hear it? .................... Exactly. Nothing. We have no friends visiting at the moment and the boys are back at school leaving us with a very quiet and empty house for the first time in weeks.

Mind you - I had to take the boys to school this morning rather than put them on the bus. I arrived at the bus stop to find no bus and no other parents. Strange. Then the Mum who live next to the bus stop drove passed so I decided it was probably best to take them to school myself. All the way there I was wondering things like, "Did they close the school and no-one told me?", "Perhaps they don't start today", "Are all the clocks/watches in the house wrong?" etc etc. On the way there another Mum was also following me. Turns out that, yes - today is the first day of school but they have changed the bus timetable without telling anyone. Now it leaves at 8.22am (instead of 8.37am) and gets back at 4.38pm (instead of 4.32pm). The slightly longer day must therefore be how they are making up for the fact that France no longer has school on Saturday mornings. It may be a long day, but the children still have Wednesdays off and they seem to cope much better with 2 days at school, one off and then 2 more back in class.

Well, I am going to make the most of the lack of visitors/children - I have loads to sort out in both the house and the garden but before then I'm off to kick husband out of bed and to take the dogs for a nice long walk ...... in the rain!!

1 comment :

  1. Oooh that will be me , tomorrow!

    I will miss her...BUT it WILL be nice to be able to hear my thoughts , again ;-)


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