Monday, 8 June 2015

Our Patent Canine BBQ Cleaner

The weather has warmed up here in Normandy, although perhaps not quite as much as people who saw my Sunday picture this week might have thought - that picture showing 39.2ºC was taken in the polytunnel where-as temperatures outsided over the last few days has been in the mid twenties.  In other words perfect temperatures for firing up the BBQ.  However with BBQ season comes the dreaded job of cleaning the grill.  Well here we have our very own patent BBQ cleaner.  

Saari has always coveted tasty morsels we humans cook on the BBQ but to help keep her newly found trim figure (and the fact we don't ever feed our dogs from the table or BBQ) no titbits have headed her way.  So she needed to put a plan in action to ensure she did not miss out.

And thus was born our patent canine BBQ cleaner:

Saari says she is available for BBQ cleaning hire at any BBQs in your area - "please contact me detailing levels of meat and fat to be removed and whether any vegetables are included!" she woofs.

Maybe I need to add BBQ cleaning to the list of jobs Saari fulfils and as detailed on my Animal Tales post last week.  For more tales of our feathered, furred and scaly friends please click on the link below for the Animal Tales blog linky (live from Tues 9th June).

PS - we do always clean the BBQ fully after Saari has done the pre-wash and thanks to her efforts it is MUCH easier to do!  Who gets the dreaded BBQ cleaning job with you?


  1. Ha Ha I have just bought my daughter a birthday card with a cute drawing of a fluffy dog doing a pre-wash clean of the dinner plates in the dishwasher and then I read this!! Between you and me, my Crazy Poodle is prone to attempt the pre -wash ... Thank fully he has not attempted this on an hot BBQ!!! Loved this funny post :)
    Wren x
    Wren x

  2. Heh heh heh - I am liking his style!

  3. fab, Bob was a dishwasher last week when i left my plate on the floor, maybe the two of them could set up a

    1. Not sure Saari is ready to share her spoils just yet!

  4. We have a meat dish cleaner at home which has four legs, fur and a tail too, but ours is a cat.

    1. Henry would, given the chance, but is on a restricted diet due to kidney problems.

  5. The pre-wash sounds VERY useful indeed! I think if I were a dog then I would be doing the same :)

  6. Hehe. Our dog is also our vacuum cleaner!

  7. Hehe, what a fab way to make your life a little simpler, who wouldn't like to have a pre-wash on a BBQ they're always so tough to clean. I love the photos of her waiting patiently for her chance to help out!

  8. We had a BBQ on Saturday and I'm ashamed to say it still needs to be cleaned! If there was ever an argument to get a dog this is it!

  9. Dogs sure do have their uses; good job because they come with a lot of responsibility. I'm happy to eat bbq, not keen to make them myself. Part of the reason is the cleaning and we've got no dogs to help out. :-)

    You're sure very lucky to have a free pre-cleaner. #AnimalTales

    1. Cleaning the BBQ is one of the reasons I don't use it but Saari's cleaning skills does help!

  10. Freki was caught last night with a milk bottle trying to get all the last bits of cream out from around the top. Sneaky sneaky. He wants to know if Saari is hiring for her BBQ cleaning business.

  11. I don't have a barbeque but Stella loves to do pre-wash for my slightly decrepit dishwasher!

  12. Ash the Dog says - *hangs head in shame* I do this too!! I also lick the fat that sometimes drips onto the floor. The Mother doesn't like this as it gives me a smelly bottom!!!! Saari - you ROCK!!!! #animaltales

    1. Oooh - Ash, Saari says she never worries about smelly bottoms but we do!!!


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