Thursday, 16 April 2015

The Cake Holiday

This feels rather weird.  For the first time in over a year I am not sitting here on a Wednesday evening writing a gardening post to link up to How Does Your Garden Grow. Not that I have abandoned the garden this week, quite the opposite in fact and I have been working in there like a complete maniac. The reason is the boys and I are off the the UK on Thursday with a week. So over the last few days I have been trying to get ahead with things and it was only as night fell that I realised I still had loads to do and writing a gardening blog post wasn't going to be one of them ... oh and I hadn't taken any photos anyway.  So you will just have to believe me when I say how many spuds I planted, seedlings I planted out, seeds I sowed and weeds I pulled. LOTS!!

So why the Cake Holiday you may well be asking?

Bribery mostly.

I do have a few things planned that I know the boys will not be over keen on doing, namely shopping and visiting at least one national Trust property.  However the promise of cake has made these appear slightly less unappealing. We are also catching up with friends who will be manning the cake stall at an Open Garden Day and going to a Boot Fair where there is a fabulous café next door.  Oh and catching up with another friend where I have said I will take lunch and I have promised her ... yes, you guessed it - CAKE.   We will also be starting the cake holiday as we mean to go on and buying pain au raisins at the bakery for our breakfast on the ferry.

Just as well I have been back on the 5:2 diet before this holiday then, as with all this cake eating planned I may well put back on every pound I have lost!  Who cares - roll on tomorrow and those pain au raisins!

As for further blogs this week I have one almost finished and I will do my best to finish at least one other.  I wonder if it will involve pictures of cake?!  Normal (ish) service will be resumed from Friday 24th April.

Let the cake eating begin!


  1. Think you mean 24th April. Have a lovely holiday (details of cakes would be much appreciated, bit like window shopping !). x 3rd Witch

    1. Oh yes, so I did - corrected.
      Cakes eaten so far - one pain au raisin each and rather too many smiley face biscuits!)

  2. Aww lovely. Now that sounds like a plan x

  3. delicious cake today - thanks Rosie :)


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