Friday, 13 February 2015

My "Home alone for a week" List

Posted by Rosie

The Reading Residence




a number of connected items or names written or printed consecutively, typically one below the other.

Simon and the boys are off skiing for the week and I am home alone ... something I actually quite look forward to.  You know, no need to fight over the remote or the duvet, eat what you want, when you want and have the chance to get caught up on lots of things.  And for that end I need a list.  Whilst they are risking life and limb on the ski slopes I shall be a busy bee back in Normandy:

1. Grand spring clean of the house

All rooms are to get a proper clean and maybe even some de-cluttering on the way.  I know then that for a few days at least, the house will stay tidier than normal.

2.  Sort the dreaded food cupboard

It's one of those awful corner cupboards where you can't really reach the back and I am sure there is stuff in there from when we moved to France over 7 years ago.  This week I will finally tackle it and then aim to eat up all those obscure things I find lurking there-in.

"That" food cupboard

3.  Gardening

The weather isn't looking too bad for the week so I need to get on with things that I have not been able to do earlier in the year.  This includes coming up with a way to stop those pesky mice stealing the beans I keep sowing.  Any ideas?

4.  Make some pickle and jam

I have some green tomatoes ready chopped in the freezer waiting to be made into chutney and plenty of fruit for jam.  On a recent rummage I also found some old rhubarb that will be perfect to make into cordial ready for the warmer weather.  I feel a morning of making preserves and listening to Radio 4 is called for.

Jam making

5.  Investigate using Hootsuite or Tweetdeck

I need to get more organised and using one of these might help.  Do use use either or which would you recommend?

6.  Sort the gite toys and games

Some are looking a bit tired but as a pre-requisite of the boys going skiing was to sort through their rooms and take out unwanted toys and games, I now have some new (second-hand) things that can go to the gite.

7.  Get some extra blogs written

It would be nice to get down in print some of the ideas that are swirling round my head.  

8. De-clutter my bookmarks

There are far too many and I reckon I don't need most of them.  They will go!

9.  Make a date and walnut cake

The boys and Simon aren't keen and this is one of my favourites.  It'll be mine, all mine ... although I may take some with me when I:

10.  Catch up with friends

It's not all work though and I intend catching up with lots of friends for gossip over a cuppa and maybe a slice of date and walnut cake.

I am also dog-sitting a couple of dogs, have promised Saari and Harry some extra long walks and have all the animals to do as normal.  Hmm, I reckon I might be busy this week.  

The List


  1. A whole week to yourself, wow! It sounds like you will have plenty to occupy your time though :)

    1. I've also been busy organising meet ups with friends.

  2. Sounds like you have a productive Week there!
    Gardening is also on my to do list so much to tidy up,
    oh and number 9 sounds a very good idea! enjoy! :)

    1. I'm off to the shops tomorrow for dates and walnuts.

  3. Wow! It sounds like you have a lot planned! Good luck with it all x

  4. That's a big list! Enjoy the random meals you'll end up with and the catch up with friends :) Thanks for joining in again and sharing with #WotW x

    1. I will, thank you - I'm tackling that cupboard tomorrow so that should throw up some interesting meal ideas.

  5. So organized! I also want to use some social media manager as I see some tweet that I know made by them. Helpful for when I cant tweet and I want my presence felt. I dont know what to choose and well I dont have budget really so I need a free one if theres one. #wotw

    1. I can't help yet as I have not had the tine to investigate. I do use Twuffer, which is free, to schedule posts.

  6. Wow you are going to be busy! I hope you enjoy your alone week. Thanks for linking up to #TheList. x (It would be fab is the badge had a link to Hannah's or my blog, thanks)

    1. Link added - I'm not sure why it wasn't there originally.

  7. God, I don't mind saying that even just reading your list makes me feel stressed!!! That food cupboard looks very, very familiar!! Good luck with ticking off your jobs x

    1. Ha ha, sorry. List ticking off going OK. 4 rooms and the porch sorted/cleaned, lots of bookmarks deleted, some blogs written and dates organised to see friends.


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