Posted by Rosie
Here is my final selection of black and white photos that I wanted to share with you. For other black and white photos I have blogged about click here for plants and here for urban France.
Today I gave you bit of a mixed bag. First up one of our cats, Henry. Could there be a better subject than a black and white cat for a black and white photo? (and such a very clearly defined one such as Henry).
So what about one of our other cats? His name may give his colour away so I will leave him anonymous (or should that be anonypuss?) for a while to see if you can correctly guess his colour.
These final three are possibly some of my favourite photos of 2014. I love the cobwebs we get in the early mornings of late summer/early autumn and the sun shining through this photos, in my opinion, makes it all the more special. Do you agree?
This unusual sculpture was take at the Museum of Fine Art in the grounds of Caen Castle, Normandy on a wet day that was very much devoid of colour. Even the full colour version almost seemed black and white so it seemed a perfect subject to turn black and white. There were about 12 of these sculptures on long poles in total, all rather weird, but this was my favourite.
I do however think that this final shot is one of my all time favourite black and white photos. I was driving to Condé in late winter and the mist was hanging in the valley giving this scene as a I rounded a corner. I pulled the car into a gateway and ran back up the road to get the shot. Those driving past must have wondered what I was up to yet I was so glad I went back. In a similar way to the photo above there was so little colour anyway that it made an ideal subject as a black and white photo. I hope you like it as much as I do.
I have mentioned in the other posts I have written on black and white photos that I am no expert but I have enjoyed playing with photos to see which ones I like. Certainly good contrast is important as well as texture, focus and a good depth of field. However ultimately, as with all art forms, everyone will have different pictures they like. Which is your favourite from this small collection? Please do tell me and why.

This is my blog, A Green and Rosie Life, which is all about helping you live life that bit greener without having to build an off-grid log cabin in the woods or knit your own nettle fibre undies! It's about helping you make simple changes that together will make a big difference to our beautiful world and make it a better place for our children.
Monday, 22 December 2014
A final few black and white photos
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