Friday, 4 July 2014

Word of the Week - Final

Posted by Rosie

The Reading Residence



coming at the end of a series

This week has been Ben's final week at primary school and in September he will move to Collège.  Collège is the French equivalent of secondary or high school. 

It has been his final week of getting the school bus from Lenault at 8.20am - he'll have to get used to getting it at 7.10am from September.

I has been his final week of no school on Wednesdays - from September he will do Wednesday mornings but he will still have the afternoon free.

It has been his final week of learning "Le mod du jour" - learning a new word a day first thing in the morning.

He has learnt his final primary school poem (he has had to learn and recite a poem every 2 weeks).

It has been his final week of calling his teacher by her first name and saying "tu" instead of "vous" to all teaching and school staff.

It has been his final week of taking  a wheeled bag to school - all the children at collège carry rucksacks and as parents we cringe at the potential damage their backs could suffer due to the weight of them.

It has been his final week of having "playtime" - I must remember to call it "break time" or "récréation" next term as he'll be too grown up to play ;)

Seven years ago we sent this young lad off to school unable to speak French (swollen face thanks to a wasp sting).  On Sunday he was one of the 2 narrators in the school play and the only bilingual child on stage!

Have you got a word that sums up your week?  If so why not blog about it and join in the Word of the Week linky over at The reading Residence.  Or you could just drop us a comment with what your word would be for this week.


  1. You must be so proud of your son. Good luck to him for September. I'm sure he'll get used to the new school in no time. The word for my week is "stress" as we're trying to get the paperwork organised to move next week. I'm sure that word will continue until we're finally moved at the end of the month.

    1. Good luck with your move - I am sure it will all go just fine!

  2. Your son will soon be an old hand at senior school too. Time passes so quickly when kids are at school. My word for the week is relaxed because I seem to have slowed down for the summer.

  3. Looking very handsome there, Ben.

    1. Thanks Jo. So sorry we missed you when you were over.

  4. Learning another language young is such a great advantage - even if it doesn't feel like it at the time! :)

  5. Oh, reading this made me say "aww" all the way through - you're coming to an end of an era but clearly with some very strong & happy memories. But wow, doesn't time fly?!? I love your 'before' and 'now' shots! Best of luck with the new College! #wotw

    1. Thank you - he looked so small 7 years ago and now he is about to be a collègian! But he will always be my baby at heart ;)


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