Unfortunately, late last November Rosie's Mum (Di) had a mini stroke, although she seemed to recovering well from it, things did not quite go as hoped. Rosie had already planned to go and see her Mum plus some other friends so she extended the trip to stay a bit longer with her Mum. I then went to the UK for a few days to work and just after I returned we were called to say Di was being taken to hospital as she was not very well. This was mid December. The Doctors had found a number of things wrong but the main cause of concern was pneumonia, but they said to Rosie not to rush over until they knew how things were. So, having packed a bag ready to go we got on with things here. Then Di got worse and we had a call, just before Christmas, that she was in intensive care with breathing problems. Rosie obviously rushed across to the UK see her mum. A "well done" to Brittany ferries here, as not only did they get her on the ferry at the last minute but they also left a lane clear to load her at the front of the ferry, so she could be first off in Portsmouth.
Di made good progress so Rosie came back home for Christmas and New Year before going back to the UK in the New Year. This time Rosie said her Mum had made a huge improvement and things were being put in place for her going home. Between Rosie and her sister, Jane, they sorted a lot of things out (carers, meals, etc) and although Di is not fully recovered she came home this week (slightly delayed due to the weather). So wishing her all the best for a full recovery.
Ben and his helicopter |
So please accept our apologises for not sending out any Christmas wishes - time just seemed to rush pass and here we are now, almost at the end of January. We therefore hope you all had a good Christmas and wish you all the best for 2013.
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