Friday, 17 June 2011

Bakery - On Going

Ady (our HelpX) and I have had a good run on the bakery and are very pleased with the results.  It was hard work and both of us had aching shoulders from lifting up the stone and mortar mix. We have finished the stone work - mainly due to Ady challenging me to get it done in two days - two very long days (thanks Ady!).  Now have the timber work to do - so doors etc are on the agenda for tomorrow.

When finished it will be a good area for storage and butchery plus Rosie is hoping to get a 'meat safe' in there, so we can hang meat for a few days without flies taking their part in the process.

I only wish Rosie would do an 'anti-rain dance' now, so we can get on without the soaking we got today!


  1. yay it's coming on. still need the rain.. sorry... although we could lose the gale force winds...

  2. Thank you - Ady and Simon have worked really hard and the results are great. It now has the door done as well :-)

    Rain - yup - I still need more to get the groundwater levels up but like you I could do without the wind. What a weird weather year this has been so far.


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