Sunday, 18 July 2010

We made it ...... just

Posted by Rosie

First guests were due to arrive 4 pm and we finished the last bits and pieces at 2 minutes to 4!!


  1. Work expands to fill the time available.

    Well done. We've been through this more than once.

  2. looks fantastic. Well done to all of you. And I bet you stood there all calm and collected and welcomed them in. I hope they look after it well during their stay.

    Sue xx

  3. Rosie it is beautiful!! : )

    Just off to show Tim ;-)

  4. Rosie it is FABULOUS!

    You all should feel VERY proud!

  5. Looks superb! You must be very proud (and relieved!)

  6. Wow that is a beautiful place you have created! Well done all of you! I laughed when you said you finished at 2 and guests arrived at 4 - sounds just like one of those "reality" TV property programmes. You should be really proud of yourselves. May you have many visitors to fill the wonderful space.

  7. Fantastic! Very tastefully decorated.
    I especially like the outside steps with the wood pole edging. Well done and congratulations!

  8. Thank you everyone - our first guests love the gite and the boys all get on really well.

    Sian - we didn't finish at 2 - we finished at 2 minutes to four!!

  9. CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a mile stone! I'm sure they will find it beautfil, oh I'm so jealous.
    Maybe you should look at my photography shop for some special art for your gite *shameless aren't I?, I do blush*

    Sorry for my caps but you guys did something that is above and beyond beautiful...! I can see the creative energy that both of you put into this project as well as Simon's hard work. Rosie, you have great taste and you are a source of inspiration. Can you tell that I LOVE it and I'm happy that I was part of this project? I have to send you some images from Oregon where we are now.


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