Thursday, 24 June 2010

Ongoing Gite News!

Posted by Simon

Varnishing and painting in the gite are still continuing and so have the woodwork jobs around the place. This seems to be taking for ever - especially as I need to do this work outside of the gite due to the sawdust generated. I have lost count of the number of times I have been up and down the stairs.

Today I started on the three internal doors and door frames. The first is nearly ready to hang and hopefully, as I now have a 'pattern' to work to, the others should not take so long (fingers crossed).

We should have the doors and other timber works finished by the weekend and then we can get the final varnishing of floors done. Apart from one or two little finishing bits and pieces the upstairs rooms will be ready to furnish soon.

My wish is to get the gite finished by the end of next week but being realistic I think it will be another week - and then I have the outside to do - and the deadline is approaching fast!

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