Tuesday 18 November 2008

Back Home

Posted by Simon

I have now returned from the UK after coppicing for a week. Most of the wood was large chestnut but there was some ash and birch. Haven't done so much heavy work like that for quite a while and the body was feeling it by the end of each day. My friend, Jon, and I really worked hard and shifted a lot of timber. I must admit I felt much fitter but absolutely knackered by the end of the week.

The weather forecast was not good for the working week and this proved so on the Monday when we both got soaked to the skin. After that we were very lucky as the weather improved and by the Friday it was lovely. The leaves on the new growth of previously coppiced Chestnut glowed in the sunlight which helped make the job more enjoyable

As I had to go a day earlier than planned due, now I have found out, to the demise of Speedferries I took the opportunity to go and see England versus South Pacific Islands at Twickenham with my sister. I also have some friends in Twickenham whom I went to see. I then went on to a friends 50th birthday party.

So apart from working I managed to catch up with a few friends over the week which was lovely. So thank you to all those that fed and watered us.

Now back at home it is noticeable how much autumn has arrived. Although, like the UK, it is rather wet here at the moment the scenery is lovely. The trees still have some leaves on, these are falling fast, but the colours of those remaining are glorious. The views across the hills and valleys, albeit with a tinge of grey, have made dog walking very pleasurable.

Now I have to start back working through my never ending list here, but before I sign off a special thanks to Jon for a hard but enjoyable week coppicing - my muscles are recovering!

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