Monday, 4 August 2008

Bargains!! by Rosie

We are still only getting 2 eggs a day from our 6 layers so as Simon said yesterday some non-performers are being threatened with the pot. Trouble is we don't know who is laying and who is not earning their keep!! Even so two eggs a day soon builds up and whilst I have had my eye on an eggskelter, I've now got one of these from a friend for the princely sum of 4 euros. Bargain!
And on the subject of bargains, at the village Mechoui yesterday we met some neighbours for the first time who, it turns out, have a freezer they are happy to give us. Double bargain!! At the rate the veg is coming off the veg patch now and 6 cockerels almost ready for the freezer we need the extra space as soon as possible. In the long run we will get an A+ rated one but this will be fine for now and later on it can be down-graded to a mouse-proof feed store. I'm off to ring them now to arrange a time to collect it and then off to gather a very large bag of veg and a few bottles of wine by way of a thank-you.
Our animal numbers have gone up again - the ewe we had on loan with the lambs we bought went back today and we came home with 2 more lambs. We had thought we were getting a castrated male to keep Domino (aka Diabolo, aka Ginger) company but there was a last minute change of plan and we came back with 2 more female lambs! The two fattest lambs will go in the freezer in the Autumn whilst the other two will be put to the ram and hopefully give us lambs of our own next spring. And the poor old ram is still all alone in his field and not impressed.
I had the stitches out of my arm today and it is healing up nicely. A friend removed them using the scalpel from my old Uni dissecting kit. I'm sure I never thought it would be used to take stitches out of my arm but I'm glad I hung onto it as it saved me the hassle (and expense) of having to go to a clinic.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like the sound of your DIY sitch removal! Just slosh lots of Lavender EO on the site and it will heal nicely I suspect!

    Am very oniony here...80 Kg of onions does that to you!

  3. My onions didn't do at all well - but most other things have been really good, especially the brassicas. And I have lots of great looking leeks to make up for the lack of onions!


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