
Monday, 24 November 2014

New life at Eco-Gites of Lenault

Posted by Rosie

If you saw our Silent Sunday picture yesterday you will already know that a new litter of piglets has just arrived at Eco-Gites of Lenault.

Coco Chanel and her 8 newborn piglets

We knew Coco Chanel was due to farrow but thought her due date was a bit later.  When I went to feed the pigs on Thursday morning I was not met by Coco at the gate as normal but once in her barn I found one very proud mum and her 8 piglets, seven boys and one girl.  Mum and babies are all doing just fine.

I popped a picture of them up on my personal Facebook page and a friend asked a very pertinent question. How come we had piglets born now when surely most animals are born in the spring?  Usually we aim to have our piglets born in February/March so they are just big enough to go out in the grassy fields when the warm weather arrives in spring.  However there is a slight disadvantage with this.  The breed we have are Kune Kunes (a Traditional New Zealand breed) and they are smaller than commercial breeds and quite slow growing.  Whilst some of these piglets may well be sold as pets others are destined to be eaten and for that reason we would like them as big as possible before that day arrives, next Nov/Dec.  If they are born in early spring they are still small when their time comes so we are hoping that by having them earlier they will make bigger bacon slices!  

Piglets at Eco-Gites of Lenault - Nov 2014

Dad (called Boris Johnson) is mostly orange with a couple of black sports and Mum, as you can see above, is black and white but none of her litter has taken after her. Which do you think are more cute - the orange ones or the spotty ones?  I can't decide!


  1. They have to be the most beautiful piglets I have ever seen in my life! How gorgeous. Have hopped over the channel to say hello from and to say thanks for visiting my blog :)

  2. pertinent question asker gives blogger inspiration for post!

  3. They are all cute! What a lovely surprise you must have had :)

    1. It was a surprise as I thought their due date was a bit later than it was. Either they were early or, more likely, I was wrong.

  4. Awwww they are so cute. I think the one on the far right is the cutest, but it's hard to decide because they are all adorable.
    When I was a child I pigs were my favourite animal, I had pig everything. I think if I ever had a house with a lot of land, I would keep pigs.
    I would have this whole brood for pets, they are way too cute for bacon :)

    1. Their characters are starting to come out now and that may help me to choose a favourite. Some are quite calm and like a cuddle and a stroke where-as others are much more wriggly and squeal when you scoop them up!

  5. They are just the cutest pigs I ever saw! I love pigs, they have always been a favourite of mine, I would love a pet pig!

    1. You would have to have two though as they need company to be happy!

  6. What a very cute bunch of pigs and I think the spotty one on the far right is my favourite. Really interested to read about their breeding and the dates. #animaltales

    1. I think that one will be many a person's favourite - he is easy to recognise and so gorgeous! I'll go and give him a cuddle from you.


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