
Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Animal Tales 1

Posted by Rosie

Welcome to the first Animal Tales blog linky - if you write about animals in any shape or form do please link up your post and then have a read of some of the others in the link.  Feel free to add old or new posts and there are more details about the linky here.

If you want to tweet your posts please use the hashtag #AnimalTales and I will RT these.  If we get enough people joining I'll start an Animal Tales Pinterest board.

I am really looking forward to reading you animal posts and here, just to get us started here are a few of my favourite animal pictures from the early days of the blog:

Lily who we used to dog sit and unknown small boy!

Nowt as happy as a pig in ...

Poppy and Saari racing

Naughty Limbo sheep eating chicken food

Naughty Saari eating bird food!


  1. Haha, I love the picture of the sneaky sheep eating the chicken food, brilliant! Good luck with the new linky xx

    1. Thank you Lauren - we had to stop the sheep doing it though as the chickens eat whole wheat which is bad for sheep!

  2. Well I managed it! But doing it from my phone not thinking I put Phoebe @ LM rather than wildlife at LM! If could delete it I'll repost! Congrats on your first linky!!!

    1. Thank you for entering Phoebe as I know what a pain this is at the moment with no Internet!

  3. Me again, I worked out how to delete all on my own so I've relinked a better named post! Love the 2 photos of sneaky food thieves!

    1. Good job I set the linky up to allow people to delete their links! Ah yes - food thieves, something we constantly battle here. Today the cat had the end off the bread!

  4. Love the photos, especially of your little one on top your dog. Little T does that too :) Sorry if I linked-in an old post. My daughter is poorly and is off school, so haven't had the chance to blog. #animaltales.

    1. Linking an old post in just fine - especially when it has the adorable Doc in it!! The child on Lily isn't one of mine and I cannot remember who he is (oops) but my boys both did that to Poppy when they were little. I do hope your daughter is better soon.

  5. Hope those limbo sheep didn't get tummyache! Saari stealing bird food made me smile, I had to stop hanging fat balls out for my garden birds because Stella would always race to it first!

    1. No tummy ache luckily but as I said to Lauren, we had to stop them doing it as wheat is bad for them ... and we have had to give up putting fat balls out too. If Saari doesn't get them then the cats do! I am thinking though, that if we get some really hard weather I could hang them off the washing line - that should foil thieving pets!

  6. I have a dog who steals food from the bird table too. She worked out how to rock it so it falls over! Thanks for joining Linked

    1. Saari dragged this one over so we have up on having a bird table .. and then the cats stole the fat balls out of the tree!

  7. Such a fab idea for a linky. I think you can guess that we'll definitely be regular visitors here :)

    1. Thank you - I look forward to reading your posts, they're great!

  8. Ash says - I'm very excited to learned about all my other new furry friends. The Mother is trying to get me to read the cat posts as well!!!

  9. Hi Rosie, this #linkup sounds like fun and one to bear in mind for when I write an animal post!...Love the pictures!


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