
Friday 19 September 2014

Word of the Week - Computing

Posted by Rosie

The Reading Residence



noun - the use or operation of computers.

Simon and I have spent virtually all these week stuck in front of computer screens, often 2 at a time! 

1.  I have uploaded an advert on to a new advertising site.  Our current main site is not bringing in so many enquiries and is looking to change how it charges advertisers to the detriment of smaller places such as Eco-Gites of Lenault.  So, I have spent time looking elsewhere and then placing a new advert with Brittany Ferries.  For guests, this has the added advantage that if you book through their site before Oct 31st you will get a ferry discount voucher worth 25% off your crossing. 

2.  I have also be looking at all the sites we advertise on and have been updating them.  I have uploaded some new photos, tweaked text, detailed prices for 2015 and added special offers.

3.  We have been working virtually non-stop on designing a new website.  Ours is currently looking a bit dated and so a new look was needed.  Simon has been the main designer and I have been writing text, finding photos, collating links etc etc.  Hopefully it will be live very soon!

Website designing

4.  We have been having issues with Wordpress and/or Akismet (spam protection) that is marking all comments I write on Wordpress blogs as spam.  I have no idea how long this has been going on and it was only when I popped back to see if Jocelyn from the Reading Residence (who runs this this Word of the Week Linky) had replied to my comment that I realised something was up.  Wordpress say they can't help and I am waiting to hear back from Akismet.  In the meantime I am not writing too many comments as I do not have the time to tweet or email everyone to check where my comment is festering.  But if I do normally comment on your blog and you see nothing, could you be so kind as to look in spam and if needs be fish me out and mark me as Not Spam.  Merci!

Oh and all this in a week of fabulous weather.  That's not fair!!

Have you got a word that sums up your week? Let us know in the comments.


  1. How annoying about the spam thing. I have 'un spammed' you by the way. i hope that gets sorted soon.

    1. Thank you Iona - things seem a lot better so I am starting to comment again now.

  2. Sounds like a lot of computer work! Glad you've managed to find a better site to advertise on, and I do hope they sort this spam thing out for you soon - very frustrating. Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. Hopefully it will be better - I'll know that when we get some bookings from it!

  3. you commented on my wp the other day without it going to spam.

    Re computer time - I guess it is part of the business.

    1. Thanks CiG - it has hopefully resolved itself now ... and yes, it is part of the business and actually also a nice change. Pity it was all in such a lovely week weather-wise though!

  4. Sounds like a busy but productive week!!
    That's very annoying about the spam x

    1. Almost there with the new website now ... and spam thing seems to be sorting out #phew!

  5. Computers are meant to make our lives easier, yet seem to do anything but! How very odd that your comments are getting spammed though. Thanks for reminding me about spam though - just checked and I have 13k messages in my spam folder. Finding any comments you may have made could be a little like a needle in a haystack! But I'll look anyway! Hoping all the hard work and frustration pays off for you soon. x


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