
Saturday 20 September 2014

Boys' Camping Week-End

Posted by Rosie

Simon has planned to take the boys camping in the summer holidays but when-ever Simon could go, the weather was awful and when the weather was good, Simon wasn't able to go. However last week-end Simon was able to go AND the weather was good so the three of them headed off for the weekend.  They went near Coutances about 2 kms from the coast and next door to what Simon calls a "hidden gem" of a climbing site ... so I have been banned from saying where it is!

I stayed home to mind the animals and bid farewell to gite guests so it was a real boys' weekend and I only have the photos as any record of what they got up to!

High tide was early in the morning when it was hazy but already warm.  A bit of haze wasn't going to stop the boys heading off to surf the waves!

Waiting for the big one ... I rather suspect they would have had to wait all day looking at that millpond!

There was enough breeze to fly a kite though (note the reposing feet that are Simon's!!)

There were mackerel for dinner (bought not caught).

And sausage baguettes for breakfast the next day!  Apparently there was an argument about which jam to buy so Simon bought sausages instead.  Good call I suspect!


And then to the quarry next door for a bit of rock climbing.  
This is Tom heading up ...

And this is Ben, a bit higher!

 They came home happy, tired and slightly grubby.  
Looks like it was a good week-end then!

PS - whilst my lips are sealed as to where exactly they went climbing, for those of you who enjoy this activity, there is some excellent climbing to be had at Clécy, just down the road from us!

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  1. Looks like a good time was had by all :-)

  2. A great boys weekend and lovely weather too. I hope you get another camp before the autumn weather sets in. Rock climbing looks heaps of fun. Thank you for linking up with me on Country Kids

    1. They are hoping to fit one in and at the moment the weather is holding!

  3. What a great weekend together. A boys camping weekend sounds fantastic!

  4. What a lovely weekend - really glad they managed to squeeze in their camping trip before the colder weather sets in! #countrykids

    1. They are hoping to try one more weekend if the weather holds.

  5. I wish we have something like this. A nice father & sons bonding time =) #countrykids

    1. Yes - good bonding time ... and a weekend of peace and quiet for me!

  6. Looks like they had a great time - I hope you get to have a trip away with them too! #letkidsbekids


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