
Friday, 1 August 2014

Word of the Week - Food

Posted by Rosie

The Reading Residence



any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink in order to maintain life and growth.

Without actually planning it the blog developed a foodie theme this week - from pizza vending machines, via pavlova, through energy saving cooking utensils and on to ratatouille every post had a food related theme.  Food has also taken up much of my time this week - produce is coming in thick and fast from the garden now so as well as freezing the excess I have been busy cooking.  

This week I have made the following for the first time:

I have also made for later: passata (bottled), jam and baked red cabbage (frozen).

How fabulous is the colour of this red cabbage?

I prepared first night supper for guests - lasagne, salad and pavlova and fed a steady stream of visiting children with iced buns.

And if that wasn't enough I have been busy adding new ideas to my "Food of the Future" board - recipes I want to try pretty soon.  Oh and I worked out you can make a passable gravy from scratch in the microwave when the gas runs out.

Yes, definitely a food week!

Have you cooked something new this week? Or can you recommend something else I can do with red cabbage as I still have several more in the garden!


  1. Definitely the word for you this week! I'd only think of coleslaw, too - bubble and squeak any good with red cabbage? Hope you find something! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. Red cabbage bubble and squeak may well work - I'll give it a go!

  2. Mmmmm Food, this is a word that I like :-) its great when you can incorporate homegrown produce into the menu x #WotW

  3. What a great word! Sounds like a fun week x

  4. Ohh yum! Sounds like a tasty week! I do like the sound of the Elderflower and Cucumber Lollies!

    1. The boys have not tried them yet - I hope they like them.

  5. Berry swirl ice-cream sounds...YUMMY!!!!!!!!!! #WotW

    1. I am going to try and make it again and write the recipe down this time!

  6. That red cabbage looks beautiful. Coleslaw is always a winner, otherwise the only other way I can easily think of for it raw is very finely sliced, stuffed in a pitta with BBQ-ed meat a la kebab shop style :)

    1. Sounds good and I have some pittas in the freezer.

  7. Baked with apple and a dash of red wine works well - would that freeze?

    1. That is similar to what I already do so it should freeze - thank you!


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