
Saturday, 2 August 2014

Water Fight!!

Posted by Rosie

Up until this week the boys had a large paddling pool which kept them cool and occupied in hot weather and which Tom blogged about here.  Sadly though, it has sprung 2 leaks and whilst we were able to fix one the other has proved to be fatal.  We are on the lookout for a new pool but in the meantime Plan B has been put into action:

Ingredients for Plan B

  • Children, preferably in swimming costumes
  • One hoepipe
  • Water pistols
  • Numerous bottles, pans and other water holding utensils
  • Hedge to hide behind/attack from (optional)
  • Plants nearby to be watered (optional)


  • Remove all washing from clothes line
  • Switch on tap
  • Watch from a safe distance!

        Do you have any interesting or unusual ways that your children keep cool in hot weather?



      1. I bet they had loads of fun. One of my fondest childhood memories are of water fights. We end up throwing saucepans of water over each other.

      2. Great Post! Can't beat a water fight when it's hot!

      3. All our children love a water fight. Another way they keep cool in Summer is by playing in the river here - a bit chilly for me but they stay in there most of the day! Thanks for linking up and sharing their fun with Country Kids.

      4. Great idea, and so perfect for the summer!

      5. I think this is the only time I'd let my girls throw water around...and why not?! Lots of fund! :)

      6. We dont have hose nor a garden so no water fight ahppening here. What we have is a small terrace and some parched potted plants. I let him water them and he will go back to me soaking cuz I think he watered himself too =P #countrykids

      7. Water fights are some of my happiest memories from my childhood!!!

      8. Fantastic fun! Proper water fights have to be one of the best summer time activities. It looks like they had a wonderful time!
        Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids

      9. Water fights are great fun, we had many as a child #letkidsbekids (lovinglifewithlittleones)


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