Thursday 19 November 2009

Works Update

Posted by Simon

The beginning of this week we have been organising and ordering materials for future works plus we went to Caen to get the doors and windows for the gites (see previous post). Yesterday I managed to get the windows installed but I hadn't chosen the best of days as the wind was howling. I now have to do some finishing work but otherwise I'm really pleased they are in and the difference is noticeable. Well I suppose it would be considering what was there before!

The first of our two 'Helpex'ers, Dragos, arrived yesterday and was put to work first thing this morning. He has done a lovely job back filling round one of the septic tanks - one down one to go - and another job can be crossed off the list. He did well but jet lag and lack of sleep finally got to him this afternoon. And I didn't slave drive him, honest - he volunteered.

I continued work on the filter beds and finished laying the pipes in the third trench and got the final two trenches dug. These went much better. I decided to leave digging them until today as the forecast had promised dryer weather, which was the case today, and with the wind as well the soil had dried out. Also I did dig them further apart which meant I was not pushing soil, or sliding, into the other trenches - maybe all the practise I've had - but to me it looks a neater job.

Tomorrow I'll get the gravel and pipes in and hopefully it can then be inspected before being filled it - a lot of work just to go to the toilet though!

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