
Weekly Green Tips

Over the next year I plan to arm you with 365 green tips that will help us all to reduce our negative impact on the world.  Each Friday I will post 7 ideas in a post called Weekly Green Tips with a different theme each week.  Some tips won't apply to you but I am sure you'll be able to do some of the others.   On our own it is difficult to see if the changes we implement actually make a difference but when undertaken by hundred and thousands of us small changes build up into big, positive change.  So please, do visit the blog every Friday and see what you can do to help make the world a better place.


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A Green and Rosie Life


  1. I saw your post on twitter with 100 ways to avoid using plastic and felt inspired to start a challenge, which I have put to my friends on Facebook and some of them are taking up the challenge. My 8 year old daughter is also keen. I will happily be following you with tips to use and to pass on to my friends and family.


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