
Wednesday 4 March 2020

Green Bog Round Up - February 2020

Each month I am putting together a post with some of green themed blogs I have come across over the preceding month. Here are my favourites for February 2020 and if you have any interest subjects such as reducing waste, plastic free living, carbon offsetting and green cleaning then you will find at least one blog post here to enjoy.

Love green blogs

Helen from Spot of the Earth reviewed her local Zero Waste Shop
You can follow her on Twitter and Facebook

Zero waste shopping

Aaron from The Busy Papa will help us reduce fridge waste with this post.
You can find him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest

Reduce waste from your fridge

Teja on the Horizon wrote about Carbon Offsetting based on your personality
You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram

Caron offsetting

With Summer on the way Justine from Little Green Duckie talks about how to having wet wipe free festival fun!
You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter

Say no to wet wipes

Spring Cleaning must be in the air as two bloggers have written about natural cleaning: 

Trail  of Breadcrumbs wrote about the simplicity of Green Cleaning  
You can follow this Trail of Breadcrumbs (see what I did there?!) on Twitter and Pinterest

and so did Isabel from Sustainable, Responsible Living  - Cleaning with Natural Products
You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

Bicarb, vinegar and lemon juice

Whilst we are talking Spring Cleaning I wanted to also highlight this post. I have recently become aware of cleaning influencers on instagram and how they are pushing their followers to use ridiculous amounts of cleaning products. This overuse is a disaster both for anyone who uses this amount of cleaners (something I blogged about before) and for the environment. One of these influencers, a brand ambassador for P&G, has over 3 million followers and in the unregulated world of instagram is able to post stories promoting their excess use whilst also showing unsafe ways to store these dangerous chemicals aka laundry tabs.  I can see no better reason to stop using these commercial cleaning products than the facts that they need child proof lids (that should NEVER be removed) and 7000 cases of ingestion were reported in a one year period and 6 deaths since have been attributed to people eating them. (source).

Laundry tabs box with child proof lid removed

Finally I wrote a post about making environmental connections:

Flooding and Flying

Find A Green and Rosie Life on Facebook, Instagram (joint page with the gite), Twitter and Pinterest.

... and don't forget you can follow my #DailyGreenTips over on my A Green and Rosie Life Facebook page.

Love Daily Green Tips

If you have a blog post you would like to be added in the March roundup please do get in touch.  Posts need to be current and on any of these subjects:

  • Recipes with seasonal and/or foraged ingredients
  • Organic gardening and attracting wildlife to your garden
  • The 4 Rs and a U - Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, Repair and Upcycle.
  • Natural crafting
  • Waste and energy reduction.
  • Conservation posts - helping wildlife, wild flowers and their habitats.
  • Connecting kids to Nature
  • Discussions on green, sustainable, ethical, organic, environmental subjects such as:
    • Green hobbies
    • Green technology/advances
    • Green politics
    • Good environmental practice 
    • Greenwashing 
    • Sustainability and you
.... and lots more besides.  If you have a current post with a theme that is green, sustainable, ethical, organic, fair trade, environmental, seasonal or local please do get in touch and I'll include it in next month's round-up.

Love Green blogs - feb round up

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Rosie, as usual, a little late - just sharing this also as it's a great round up!!


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