
Friday 3 January 2020

New Green Initiatives for 2020

Happy New Year everyone!

For 2020 I am shaking things up a little on the blog and social media.  The science all points towards this being the last decade that we have to limit the worst effects of Climate Change.  If you were ever in denial surely the excessive forest fires in Australia must have tipped you into believing this is real and people we know are going to get hurt or die. Fires, floods, rising sea levels, extreme weather occurrences etc are all a result of each and every one of us adding CO2 into the atmosphere ... and I almost forget to mention the plastic crisis that is poisoning our beautiful oceans.  I also believe that it isn't too late but we all have a huge role to play, a critical role in fact, in changing things for the better for us, for our children and for their children.

New: Daily Thread on Facebook: #DailyGreenTips

We need to spread far and wide the steps everyone needs be taking to reduce their individual impact on the Climate. It's great to see so many posts on social media about reusable shopping bags, straws and cups but we need to do more than this. So on my A Green and Rosie Life Facebook page I am running a series called #DailyGreenTips and for every day in 2020 I will add a tip to help you live a greener life. Do visit each day to read them and share them on your social media accounts, amongst your friends, at work, at the school gate  ....

Daily Green Tips

New: Monthly Blog Roundup

I am no longer hosting my #GoingGreen linky but I want to continue sharing your inspiring green blog posts. Once a month I will write a post including links to your recent green themed posts and I will also share them on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest (if they have suitable vertical images).  If you have a post you'd like me to share please do let me know. If you could also give me a link to your social media accounts I can tag you when I share.

Green Blog Roundup

I hope you'll join me on this journey to minimising the impacts of Climate Change.  For want of adding several clichés: There Is No Planet B, Every Little Really Does Help and Together We Are Stronger.


You can start by pinning these images!
Green Blog Roundup
Daily Green Tips

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas Rosie, I'll definitely be looking at your daily tips on Facebook and I'll let you know as and when I do any relevant green posts. Happy new year and wild wishes for making a real impact on climate change in 2020 x


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