
Wednesday, 27 December 2017

365 ways to help you save the planet

If you are looking to take some steps towards living in a more green and sustainable way let me help you with enough ideas to fill a year!  Based on my series of Weekly Green Tips I have now combined all the weekly tips I gave into one post giving you a new idea for every day of the year .... 365 ways to help you save the planet.  I appreciate you may already do some or others are either irrelevant to you or maybe impossible to tackle right now - but hopefully there are plenty here you can action.  And imagine what a difference we could make to the world if we all took up these tips.

To make it easier for you to find them I have linked to all of them below in 7 main groups.  And of you are wondering why there are not 52 I did a few super blogs of 14 and even 21 tips to cover when I had time away from blogging! Oh and the last one had a list of nine as try as I may I couldn't lose 2!!


A years worth of planet saving tips

Theme - REDUCE

Disposables to go - 7 throw away products you do not need to buy
Saving water - 7 ways to save water around the house
Don't buy - 7 products you really should NOT be buying
Christmas Waste - 7 ways to reduce waste over the festive season


Get Growing - 7 useful tips for new gardeners
Veg for everyone - 7 places you can grow veg even without a vegetable plit
Helping bees - 7 ways to attract bees to our garden
Helping Beneficial Bugs - 7 ways to get good bugs in your garden
July veg - 7 vegetables you can sow as late as July
Water Wise Watering - 7 tips to use less water in the garden
Organic Gardening - 7 tips to turn organic in the garden
Helping the birds - 7 tips to attract birds to your garden
Bird Friendly plants - 7 plants that birds love
Home-made plant labels - 7 plant labels you cna make yourself
Green Lawns - 7 ways to grow a greener lawn
Storing the Harvest - 7 ways to store your home grown produce


Green Holidays - 7 ways you can still be green when on holiday
Green Hobbies - 7 ways to keep your leisure time green
Get outside in Winter - 7 ways to tempt you outside in the middle of winter
Foraging - 7 fantastic foods to forage for
Avoid All inclusive holidays - 7 reasons you should not go all inclusive
Green Holiday Ideas - 7 type of holiday that are great for the planet
Green Baby - 7 tips to bring up a green baby
Green Pets - 7 ways to keep your pets green
Back to School - 7 tips to help keep school bags etc green
Halloween - 7 spookily green Halloween ideas
Christmas Presents - 7 festive present giving ideas
Easter - 7 tips to help keep the Easter Bunny green

Theme - FOOD

Bread - 7 ways to use up old bread
Fish - 7 sustainable fish you can eat
Avoiding Supermarkets - 7 other places where you can food shop
Cooking - 21 ways to cook efficiently
Christmas Food - 7 foods that are in season at Christmas (UK and northern France)
Avoiding Palm Oil - 7 ways to not consume palm oil
Cooking from Scratch Part 1 - 7 tips on how to cook great food from scratch
Cooking from Scratch Part 2 - 7 more tips on how to cook great food from scratch

Theme - HOME and WORK

Green Renovations - 7 ways to keep your DIY green
Dealing with Clutter - 7 ways to keep clutter out of landfill
Newspapers - 7 uses for old newspapers
Heating - 21 ways to heat your home (and work) using less energy
Old Clothes - 7 tips for keeping old clothes out of landfill
Paper - 7 ways to reduce paper use
Buying Tropical products - 7 tips to buy tropical products sustainably


Greening your car - 7 tips to keep your car as green as possible
Driving Tips - 7 ways to drive efficiently

Theme - MISC

Quotes - 7 green quotes to live our lives by
7 Random green things we should all do this week
The 9 Rs - 9 words we should think about in everything we do

Have you got any more great ideas we can take on board to help save the planet?


  1. I feel there are far too many lazy people around, doing simple things to save the planet is too much work for them which is sad in my opinion

  2. Absolutely love this post. I'll be referring back to this lots. As you know, I have similar values to yours 💚

  3. Love this post. I'm currently researching how to start a wormery for composting kitchen waste now we no longer have pigs.

  4. This is such a detailed list of ideas and helpful suggestions. Thank you so much,I especially like the ideas for not wasting bread. (I was certainly guilty of this before)

  5. Some great ideas here! Even if you a handful - you've already done some good.

  6. There are some really good ideas that everyone can do, here. Thanks for sharing. I love all the resources you share!


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