
Tuesday 31 January 2017

Animal Tales - 90

Welcome to Animal Tales, the blog linky that brings together all sorts of animal blog posts from all over the world.  It runs every other Tuesday to the following Thursday evening.


I was looking for a particular picture recently and stumbled across some of Saari I'd not seen in ages.  I can't believe she'll be 10 this summer so that's a lot of canine memories I have stored away.  I will put some of my favourites in a separate post but I think if Saari had to choose one favourite it might be this one.  She loves the snow!  Not that we have had any snow yet this winter but she (and the boys) are ever hopeful.

Favourites from Last Time ...

Thank you to everyone who joined in last time.  There turned out to be a bit of an emphasis on  - ahem, how do I say this - cat wee!  Boots appeared to have had a little accident (or two) behind the TV and Karen's cat blogged about how clever she was using the cat flap so she didn't wee inside! Our elderly cat, Henry almost totally refuses to go out in the wet so we have to put up with a litter tray?  Do your cats use a tray or ask to go out/use the cat flap?

Image from Pixabay

Over to you now.  Please add your animal posts below. The posts can be old or new and as varied as the animals who we share our world with. If you tweet with the hashtag #AnimalTales and @greenrosielife I'll retweet you.  Just give me a nudge if I appear to have forgotten you.

Full details of the linky can be found here but can I remind people of a couple of the "rules":

  • Please can you include my badge (preferably) or a link back to this blog.
  • This is a blog link so please comment on the host post and at least two other blogs in the link up, ideally including the one in front of you.
  • Pinterest - not a rule but for even greater exposure of your blog post please do join the Animal Tales Pinterest board and pin a picture from your linked posts. Vertical pictures are best for Pinterest.

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