
Friday, 9 September 2016

Weekly Green Tips - Keeping Clutter out of Landfill

Week 23 - Ways to keep Clutter out of Landfill

I am currently taking part in a decluttering challenge with members of the forum Downsizer ... although I have to admit to failing miserably, at the moment, to get much done.  However it got me thinking about what all of us should do with the stuff we declutter as simply chucking it in the bin is not at all environmentally friendly.  Here are 7 ways you can sustainably declutter and stop things ending up in landfill.

7 Ways to keep Clutter out of Landfill

1.  Book and Toy Libraries

Ask at your local book or toy library if they are interested in taking books and toys.  In France our local library is always happy to take our English books.

2. Charity and Reuse Shops

Charity shops are always on the lookout for good quality items.  We will be taking a car load of books and other "clutter" over to the UK when we next go as there are not any local charity shops in France.  Many UK councils now also operate Reuse Shops where you can donate items to be sold on.  These shops, located at the Recycling Centres will often take items that cannot be handled by charity shops.  In Norfolk, the Reuse Shops donate 5% of their profits to the Norfolk Wildlife Trust which hopes to generate between £5000 and £10,000 for conservation projects through the county.

3.  Old Bedding to Dog Refuges

Dog and cat refuges will take old duvets, blankets etc to make cosy beds for their animals awaiting new homes.

4. Sell or give things away

Whilst you may no longer want certain things other people may well want them so advertise items to sell.  You can also use various sites such as Freecycle to give things away if you prefer or maybe you have friends who can make good use of your clutter.  I have just given away a box of books to go to my friend's grandchildren and many of the boy's clothes have gone on to other children.

5. Mend Things

Maybe the reason you want to get rid of something is because it is broken, or you have clothes that are torn or no longer fit well.  Can you mend items or make the clothes into something else?

6.  Upcycle

There are all sorts of imaginative ways you can upcycle items into new things.  I use old freezers as stores for animal feed and I am planning to turn another old freezer into a heated propagator to get my seeds going early next year.  I have heard of people making salad bowls from the glass doors of washing machines and fire braziers from the drum.  Pinterest is a fabulous place for inspiration so get your thinking cap on and see what you can make with that clutter.  Have a look at this board for great ideas - A New Lease Of Life.

7.  Recycle

If you really cannot find a new home or a new use for something then can it be recycled?  Most Local Authority Recycling Centres accept a wide variety of goods:

One final point though - you are probably decluttering because you have accumulated too much stuff over the years.  By using the ideas above you will be able to Re-use, Recycle or Repair stuff but don't forget the final "R" - REDUCE.  After you have cleared all those shelves and cupboards, think before you head to the shops or online again - do you really need more stuff?  And if you really do need something then why not check out those ReUse shops, charity shops, online giveaway sites or talk to that friend who is taking part in a decluttering challenge!

Are you a hoarder who needs to declutter or have you got any innovative ways of keeping clutter out of landfill?

A Green and Rosie Life

1 comment:

  1. I never thought about taking old blankets and towels to the animal sanctuary but it's a great idea as most of the clothes banks don't take these.


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