
Monday, 15 August 2016

How to cool down hot pigs!

We have had some hot weather recently and who doesn't love an ice lolly to cool off.  Not just humans it would seem.  Apparently pigs are very fond of carrot and apple ice blocks too ...


  1. What a lovely idea, I may have to try this for ours, they are looking very hot this week. #AnimalTales

  2. I never knew that, but I guess it does make sense. I can imagine how refreshing it must be for pigs :) #animaltales

  3. Great idea! No wonder they love it.

  4. This is such a great idea! I have seen them do this sort of thing for the animals at Monkey World so it makes complete sense.

  5. this is such a cool idea! my cats also love eating ice cream, but i limit their consumption because they tend to run around like crazy! 😄

  6. Love this! Adorable piggies. We put ice cubes in the cats' water which helps them.

  7. i make ice blocks for Bob, sadly they melt too quickly and we're left with sticky patches of dog gravy on the path


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