
Monday, 27 June 2016

No Animal Tales this week

I have had to go to the UK unexpectedly and so there is no Animal Tales this week.  So sorry but please feel free to add more than one post next week.

In the meantime I'll leave you with a picture of Pumpkin and Limbo Mojo who have spent most of this week breaking out of their field - extra fencing has hopefully foiled their attempts ... for now at any rate.



  1. They're so cute!
    Have a nice day

  2. Oh sorry, just saw this! Hope all is well. Will link up my post this week on the next #animaltales :) x

    1. Sorry - no major catastrophes, I just needed to get to the UK to sort out some family stuff that came up and this was the best date to go!

  3. Ah Rosie they are adorable, I have always wanted a pig x

    1. Adorable maybe but so naughty! The boys and I spent an hour piglet proofing the field and then I forgot to move the roll of baler twine we had used and guess which piglets thought that would be great fun to play with all day. My other half said it was ALL over the field #oops

  4. Naughty piggies! Safe journey :)

  5. Hope you had a safe trip to the UK, I'm so far behind with blogging haven't even put this weeks together yet, but will link it up for next week. I'm in South Africa on Saturday for 10 days so there will be plenty of animal tale photos to link up over the following weeks


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