
Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Animal Tales 71

Welcome to Animal Tales, the blog linky that brings together all sorts of animal blog posts from all over the world.  It runs from Tuesday morning through to Thursday night and showcases a wide range of animal related posts. 

This week Moo is modelling ...

... a plastic lampshade!  

She went to be spayed, chipped and vaccinated on Thursday so is now wreaking havoc with her veterinary accessory.  She is doing really well but we'll all be glad when she can have her stitches out and we can bid farewell to the lampshade.  It has not stopped her getting up to tricks though.  We had Perle, the dog from Guadeloupe, staying over the weekend but Moo thought her bed should be requisitioned for recuperative purposes and she successfully managed to get Perle to leave it with a combination of feline stares and gradual forward creeping.  Poor Perle looked so put out especially as she lost her bed to Saari on her last visit!

I would like to add a huge thank you to a local cat charity, Lécole du chat and the members of their local bracnh La compagnie des chats sans maître, who work tirelessly to get abandoned cats off the streets, neutered and re-homed.  Because we took in Moo as a stray they were able to give us a grant towards her spaying.  Merci :)

Over to you now.  Please add your posts below. The posts can be old or new and as varied as the animals who we share our world with. If you tweet with the hashtag #AnimalTales and @greenrosielife I'll retweet you.  Just give me a nudge if I appear to have forgotten you.

Full details of the linky can be found here but can I remind people of a couple of the "rules":

  • Please can you include my badge (preferably) or a link back to this blog.
  • This is a blog link so please comment on the host post and at least two other blogs in the link up, ideally including the one in front of you.
  • Pinterest - not a rule but for even greater exposure of your blog post please do join the Animal Tales Pinterest board and pin a picture from your linked posts. Vertical pictures are best for Pinterest.


  1. HI! I hope you enjoy my post. It's been a long since my last participation in this linky. thanks!

  2. Hi Rosie, thank you for mentioning my last weeks post, it's actually proven to be more popular than I expected. It is nice to get a bit of support from charities when taking on homeless animals, Ugg our Mum cat was spayed by a charity and we paid for the kitten. Everyone's happy.

    Moo looks very much at home in Perle's bed.

    Thank you for hosting.


  3. I'm trying to remember what Boots was like when she was spayed, and for the life of me, I can't seem to remember anything! But definitely had it.... Don't worry Moo, soon you'll have that lampshade off you ;)

  4. I always think cats and dogs look so sad when they have a plastic collar on. No matter what though a cat will always get her own way!

  5. i hope Moo is better soon, with Bob in a lampshade my shins suffered badly

  6. Haha clever cat getting that big bed all to herself! Hope she makes a speedy recovery. x


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