
Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Pigs v Sheep

On our small holding we keep a variety of animals including pigs and sheep.  In the last week I have had to move both our new ewe and lambs and two of our pigs.  The two events sort of went like this:

Moving Pigs

"Oooh, look" said Coco Chanel to Peardrop "the 2 legged one has arrived with a bucket of food and is walking away - we had best follow her then."

2 pigs dutifully followed me and my bucket to their new field and in fact Peardrop even ran ahead and through the gate remembering from last time where to go.  The only reason Coco was after her was she stopped, briefly, to eat some potato peelings I had dropped.  Job done.

Moving Sheep

"Oooh, look" said Mrs Wolowitz (Mum) to Howard and Sheldon, her lambs "the 2 legged one has arrived with a bucket of food and a friend. Run - run in opposite directions and at no point go through that open gate even though the grass on the other side looks much greener and the field much larger.  Run!"

... which is why, as well as a friend, I had to call on the boys to help and even then it took us ages to move them.

And that, my dear readers is why I prefer sheep to pigs.  We don't of course mention the fact that Coco is currently is season so it using all her wily tricks to try and get to Boris including lifting the gate off it's hinges.  No, we won't mention that.

Do you have a preference to pigs or sheep?



  1. Give me sheep every time! Which is one of the reasons that we compliment each other so beautifully. Do you think that this is how single species farming began? x JT

    1. Possibly although not so with us smallholders who like a bit of everything even if we find then hard to look after LOL

  2. I have a complete soft spot for baby lambs plus there's the sheep at my daughter's riding stables that thinks it's a dog. But perhaps if I saw lots of baby piglets...

    1. Piglets are adorable - you need to get yourself here in late November when our are born, Kriss ....

  3. I've never been with either long enough to really develop a feel for personalities. I think I'd assume I'd prefer pigs, but that might not be reality.

    1. Ha ha - they do need a lot of space and can trash a field very quickly! But I still love them

  4. Moving animals here can be a comedy act. It was ponies and donkeys this week for the farrier, who then didn't turn up. Pigs are the hardest, especially getting them into the trailer to go away for good, I'm sure they have a 6th sense. #animalTales

    1. Indeed they do - we'll need to move our sheep soon and I am dreading it.

  5. I like both, but I don't have to move them around or get them to cooperate so that's probably why!! 😄 #animaltales


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