
Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Animal Tales - 65

Animal Tales is the blog linky that brings together all sorts of animal blog posts from all over the world. It runs from Tuesday morning through to Thursday night and showcases a wide range of animal related posts.  Apologies if you had hoped to find the linky last week but I was on holiday and my internet connection wasn't good enough for me to post an explanation.

Moo Update

Moo has unfortunately been back to the vet with bad wheezing and another infection - hopefully a second course of antibiotics will clear it up but we are a bit worried her lungs are permanently damaged.  She is, however, back playing and adoring all the cuddles she gets from us.  She has also put on 800g in weight which may not sound much but bearing in mind she weighed just 1.5kg when we she arrived that is an increase of over 50% ... oh and her wonky leg no longer seems to dislocate.

My favourite from 2 weeks ago ...

Thank you to everyone who joined in last time.  There were many to chose from but I loved the post from Kriss at Wild about Here about badger trails and from Charlotte at The Mummy Toolbox about cats and toddlers.

Badger - photo from Wild about Here

Over to you now.  Please add your posts below. The posts can be old or new and as varied as the animals who we share our world with. If you tweet with the hashtag #AnimalTales and @greenrosielife I'll retweet you.  Just give me a nudge if I appear to have forgotten you.

Full details of the linky can be found here but can I remind people of a couple of the "rules":

  • Please can you include my badge (preferably) or a link back to this blog.
  • Pinterest - not a rule but for even greater exposure of your blog post please do join the Animal Tales Pinterest board and pin a picture from your linked posts. Vertical pictures are best for Pinterest.
  • Finally, if you want to add a sponsored post, review or give-away, please do.


  1. Taking a slight liberty with "animals" and including a mechanical one. I hope that's OK!!!

    1. Not a liberty at all - I would love to see more "non-real" animal posts: animals in art, animal craft etc.

  2. So glad you enjoyed the badger trail post! Hope you had a lovely break in UK too.

    1. I had a lovely time thank you and t gave me inspiration for several blog posts!

  3. Hi Rosie, hopefully Moo playing and enjoying cuddles is a sign that her lungs aren't damaged. And excellent that her leg is no longer dislocated!

    Thanks for hosting.


  4. I hope Moo is feeling better soon sounds like she has been through quite a lot

  5. Hope Moo is better soon x

  6. Hi Rosie, glad to here that Moo is putting one weight. I should be back to linking up next week. I keep wanting to fix the spelling in your introduction and I'm finally getting around to telling you.
    You've got ' Tuesday morning thought to Thursday' *Thought* - as in think, when it should be *Through* as in - from breakfast (through) until lunch.

  7. good news with moo's wonky leg and the weight gain


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