
Sunday 10 January 2016

Bananagrams! January 10th 2016

We are a family who enjoy a good game and this is one we have not played for a while until Simon and the boys rediscovered it recently.  It's Banangrams and is probably best described as Scrabble on speed!  There is no scoring but each player makes their own grid with the available tiles taking more tiles at various times through the game.  The winner is the first person to use all their letters on a completed grid with no errors when all the central tiles have been taken.  If that doesn't make sense it all becomes very clear when you play ... and it's addictive.

It is also very good for the boys where English is not their first written language which can result in some interesting spellings at times.  However even just playing it a few times of late has helped them with some of the many difficult spellings the English language throws up.

But one small query remains, how do you pronounce the game? We always called it Banana Grams until Ben looked at it and said Ban Anangrams.  So which do you think it is?



  1. The 3 of us utterly LOVE this game and we play it on a regular basis. We pronounce it banana grams :) #mysundayphoto

    1. I have just had this tweet from @Bananarams_UK:

      The game's inventors are American so we say Ban-anna-grams!

      SO neither was right!!

  2. Replies
    1. Not according to their American creators - it should be Ban-anna-grams!

  3. We love game night at our house, we haven't played this game for ages

    Thank you for linking up

  4. What a fab family photo, we enjoy a good game of bananagrams, I would probably be on the side of banana-grams too!

  5. That looks like a lot of fun. I would have said banana-gram :) #MySundayPhoto

    1. It is fun - I would highly recommend t if you lie any sort of work game.

  6. Fab photo! That sounds like such a great game x

    1. It is especially f you have people who like Scrabble but take too long to decide what word to play. This is fast and furious!

  7. We bought the boys Appletters, which is a variant on Bananagrams made by the same people. They both love it. It's always pleasing to see the kids playing more 'traditional' games as well as their usual iPad and Playstation favourites.

    1. I've just looked Appletters up and it looks fun too.


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