
Tuesday 26 January 2016

Animal Tales - 54

Welcome to Animal Tales, the blog linky that brings together all sorts of animal blog posts from all over the world.  It runs from Tuesday morning thought to Thursday night and showcases a wide range of animal related posts.  Please note I am now happy to allow sponsored posts, reviews and give-aways.

Piglet Names

It looks like we are left with 3 piglets from Coco's litter of 10 (do pigs have litters?  I'm not sure if that is the right word).  Of the remaining 7 I know the names of some.  There is Major Pig, Minor Pig and Runty Pig with friends then Myrtilles and possibly my favourite - Prince William.  I am trying to remember the name of the first pig we sold but all I know is it isn't George because their other pig is called Peppa and as the new piglet is to be her "husband" he cannot be called George as in the TV programme George is Peppa's brother ... or so I was was told by his owner's 4 year old daughter!

So what are we to name our piglets?  One already has a name - Pickle.  She is the smallest of the three and the one who is always getting out.  She's a right little pickle!  I need some help naming the other two (which are both girls) and I have put more pictures up on this blog post.

NOTE - anyone who suggests Peppa will have their entry put in the bin!

Favourite Animal Tales

Once again many thanks to everyone who joined in last week.  Favourites included  Neesie's post on her dog Muffin and Clara from the expat survival guide and her post about going on safari with children.
Over to you now.  Please add your posts below. The posts can be old or new and as varied as the animals who we share our world with. If you tweet with the hashtag #AnimalTales I'll retweet you. Just give me a nudge if I appear to have forgotten you.

Full details of the linky can be found here but can I remind people of a couple of the "rules":
  • Please can you comment on at least 2 other blogs linked up - that is, after all the whole purpose of joining a linky to find and comment on more blogs and hopefully drive traffic back to your blog.
  • Please can you include my badge (preferably) or a link back to this blog.
  • Pinterest - not a rule but for even greater exposure of your blog post please do join the Animal Tales Pinterest board and pin a picture from your linked posts.
  • Finally if you want to add a sponsored post, review or give-away, please do.


  1. Oooo what about Pickle, Mustard and Apple Sauce? He he our lamb is Minty I'm not being mean :)

    1. Ha ha - in the past we have had pigs called Scratchings, Crackling and Sausages!

  2. I'm back with a rare animal tale, though can you really call caterpillars animals? Thakns for hosting Rosie!

    1. Of course you can - ALL animals are welcome on #AnimalTales, especially if they come with a health warning!

  3. I like the name Pinky lol! Not very creative The ones above are cute. Thanks for sharing and hosting Animal Tales :) Angela from Daysinbed

  4. Hi Rosie, all very grand names, but my fav is Runty Pig, just got this vision of a huge pig that started life as a runt, but nature changed it's course!

    I have problems choosing user names, so I don't envy you one bit. Although I quite like the sound of Herman Pig.


    1. Ha ha - Runty was born last and has always stayed a bit smaller. However one year we had a runt and warned the boys he may not make it to the morning. He did ... and he grew and grew. He also quickly got the name of Adventure Pig as at a few days old he managed to get into the pen next door with his aunt and her piglets and I only recognised him because at that time he was still small. He was a total escapologist, forever getting out but always coming staright round to the house to tell us he was out ... well except for the time we found him and his brothers in the strawberry patch ... it looked like they were all wearing red lipstick! They gave our guests much amusement as we struggled to get them back in the fold!

  5. Ahh, Peppa would have been Tin Box Tot's choice. Scrap that! How about Rollie? Continuing Emma's food theme ;) Or Percy? I love those Percy Pig sweets you can get in M&S...I'll stop now!!

  6. Penelope is our ultimate pig name! or little P or or or pascal (from Rapunzel) haha I love finding new names - I'm terrible I think I prefer naming animals than kids!! :p

    1. Ah but animals invariably "say" their name to you and it just suits them 100%.

  7. Winston (as in Churchill) seems like a suitable name for a fine fellow of a pig to me.

    1. Oooh another time if we have boy pigs, this is a great idea.

  8. Pinkie or Perky?!?! Oh heck I think that might have completely aged me ha! Thank you for inviting Jack over and hosting xx

    1. You and me too! ... and we have already had pigs called Pinky and Perky.

  9. Monica and Rachel after two of the women in the former TV show Friends. (if you hadn't already named the 3rd Pickle I would have included Phoebe)

    1. Ha ha - I am not sure Phoebe at Lou Messugo would be too pleased if I named a pig after her!

  10. How about calling the piglets Apple, Sauce and Gammon, the pigs at our allotment are called Bacon and Eggs.

    It's good to be back blogging again, sorry we've been away so long. Badger Boo's Daft Adventures has undergone a makeover and is now called What Boris Did Next xxx

    1. That is what Simon would call them but as I am the one who cleans the out, I am the one who gets to name them ;)

  11. OOOO what about Peter and Spring as piglet names

  12. Aww so cute. I like Topsy, Tim and Tina xx


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