
Saturday 26 September 2015

Autumn views from Eco-Gites of Lenault

I have been sitting for ages wondering which photo to add for Silent Sunday tomorrow and failing to choose which photo.  Then whilst wandering around a few other blogs, hoping an answer would come to me, I came across the link up #CheckOutThatView and my dilemma was solved ...  add the photos that are autumn views from our little corner of Normandy to one post and link up to this linky and add "the other one" to Silent Sunday tomorrow.  

So here you have it - views taken early on a late September morning from Eco-Gites of Lenault.

Across the valley
The view down our front drive
Our current neighbours
"Can we be on your blog too, please"
I needed to look up for this view

We are incredibly lucky to live in such a beautiful place with such great views that never fail to raise the spirits.  Have you seen any great views recently?  Why not head over to South West Reviews to see what other views have been linked up.



  1. Beautiful photos -the second one reminds me of a painting.

    1. Thank you - I see what you mean about the second photo, maybe a Constable?!

  2. Such lovely Norman scenes, they remind me so much of our barn which I love visiting in last year when me met! There's nothing like that in Provence with summer still in full flow....we don't really get autumn till November down here.

    1. Thank you, Phoebe. It must be about this time last year and I always smile when I drive past La Mie Câline in Flers remembering how we sat inside on a gorgeous day whilst you charged your phone! I think I would find it hard not having autumn at the "normal" time although as soon as it gets to winter I am longing for spring to arrive. Maybe I should migrate south for the winter months!


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