
Tuesday 22 September 2015

Animal Tales 40

Welcome to Animal Tales, the blog linky that brings together all sorts of animal blog posts from all over the world.  It runs from Tuesday morning thought to Friday night and showcases a wide range of animal related posts.

Injured Turkey

I am currently nursing an injured turkey.  Regular blog readers may well know that turkeys are not the brightest of animals and will do their best to kill themselves given half a chance.  Fast forward to this injured turkey who thought it would be a good idea to roost VERY high in her shed and then jump/flutter/somersault down in the morning.  She landed very awkwardly and injured herself to the point she cannot walk properly.  That said, today she is managing to stand without falling over so her leg isn't broken, which was my first thought.  It may be that she has broken a wing which has unbalanced her or pulled something which hurts when she walks.  Time will tell if she recovers or not so she is kept back in her overnight pen whilst her friends are out in the.  Interestingly, they are not happy knowing she is left behind and there is much noise from their field.  Oh and we have rigged up some turkey anti climbing/flying fencing so none of them now can fly up onto stupid high perches.  Sometimes I really do despair with turkeys!

Thank you to everyone who joined in last week.  The post from Ersatz Expat in Malaysia about the plight of puppies on the streets of Ipoh had me breathing a sigh of relief in it's upbeat story so do go and have a read if you missed it last week.

So over to you now.  Feel free to come and add your animal related posts to the linky below.  The posts can be old or new and as varied as the animals who we share our world with.  If you tweet with the hashtag #AnimalTales I'll retweet you.  Just give me a nudge if I appear to have forgotten you.

Full details of the linky can be found here but can I remind people of a couple of the "rules":

  • Please can you comment on at least 2 other blogs linked up - that is, after all the whole purpose of joining a linky to find and comment on more blogs and hopefully drive traffic back to your blog.
  • Please can you include my badge (preferably) or a link back to this blog.
  • Pinterest - not a rule but for even greater exposure of your blog post please do join the Animal Tales Pinterest board and pin a picture from your linked posts.
  • Can I remind people not to add sponsored posts or paid-for reviews.  Eco-Gites of Lenault has no advertising on it and I am not comfortable promoting products or companies I know nothing about.


  1. I'll pop back in a bit :o)

  2. Your turkey is a silly birdy, but they are so gorgeous! It makes me want one just for when they prune their tale feathers.

    1. They are ALL silly - it's in their genes! I have to say there were plenty of feathers around when she hit the ground.

  3. Hi Rosie, I'm not sure what are dafter turkeys or chickens! I hope that with your care and attention your turkey gets better soon. I would imagine though, like many dumb animals, the turkey has no idea that you are actually trying to help her.

    Just want to let you know that I've put Blog Hop Badges on show in my side bar, all individually linked back to the appropriate blog (hope that is okay?). Something which I'd like to add, I am mighty proud of!

    Thank you for hosting.


    1. Hi Debs and yes, sidebar links are fine and I might have to ask you how to do that - I seem to be able to add badges but not links! As for the turkey - she is still as daft as ever and even tried jumping/flying again yesterday and ended up in a heap in the corner.

    2. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time, but just couldn't work out how it was done, like you said it's easy enough to find posts that show you how to put images side by side, but not with links that open in their own windows. Last weekend me and my son, sat down and worked out how to do it (with much searching on the internet and much testing. I plan to write it up in a post soon; keeping it simple as it's not that difficult once you know how.


    3. I'll look forward to reading that - do tweet me when you publish it.

  4. What a silly turkey. I'm glad the leg is not broken. Thanks for hosting Animal Tales

    Angela x

  5. Oh your poor Turkey! I hope she is ok, she is very lucky to have you to look after her. Thanks for the very kind comments on my blog last week btw!

    1. She did seem a bit better this evening so I may let her out in the field tomorrow and see how she copes.

  6. Thought I'd throw you but linking a day early for me again! ;) Tomorrow Stella has a review so we've delved into the archive for you :)

  7. This is why turkeys would for Christmas because they are stupid!

    1. Indeed - perhaps this stupid one thought she's come up with a way to avoid Christmas - try to kill yourself beforehand!

  8. maybe she's preparing for an escape, sadly she injured herself from trying.. when is thanks giving in your country? :>

    1. We are British so don't celebrate Thanksgiving - it is in early November (I think) in the US but our turkeys get to survive until Christmas at the end of December! If they don't kill themselves jumping off high perches first!

  9. sorry for the delay in commenting, hope the turkey is better now, popping over to comment on all the linkys now

    1. She is still lame but seems a lot better and no longer falls over every second step. Fingers crossed she'll make it to Christmas!


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