
Thursday 27 August 2015

A bad back, rain and weeds.

Over the last 2 weeks I have spent very little time in the garden. The day after my trip to the lovely Botanic Gardens at Caen I did my back in and whilst the osteopath put me straight I have had to take things very easy for a few weeks.  So no weeding, digging or heavy work.  Couple this with some heavy rain and the weeds have grown to triffid-like proportions in the garden.  Why oh why, do weeds grow so much quicker than the plants we want?  

So all in all the garden had a very abandoned look to it right now ... and much to indicate that Autumn is on it's way.
Leeks hidden in amongst the weeds
Courgettes that turned to marrows when I turned my back for a moment
Runner beans, potatoes, carrots and beetroot, harvested in the rain!
A hint of more Autumn harvests to come
My blueberry bushes always show Autumn colour early
But I don't reckon we are done with Summer just yet.

Autumn may be sneaking up on us but as I said on the picture above, we are not done with summer just yet here in Normandy.  Temperatures are set to rise over the coming days and we usually have fabulous weather just as the boys go back to school (next week!).  That really should make the weeds grow, so it's as well I can now set to and get on with more strenuous work again.  Bearing in mind that I have got so far behind, though, we are currently looking for a volunteer helper to come and assist me in weed decimation, spud digging and other gardening duties.  We have an advert on HelpX but if anyone fancies a week or so here, helping out, please do get in touch.

On a final note, if you happen to buy the Living France magazine, have a look on page 59 of the current Autumn edition (it mentions Bordeaux on the front cover).  You might recognise someone and her garden featured there ;).

For more gardening updates head on over to Mammasuarus by clicking on the picture below. 



  1. Hope the back gets better soon! Great looking produce you have there and well done on the magazine article. Love the little pumpkin teaser :)

  2. so true!! why do weeds grow so much quicker? i hope you are feeling better

  3. Ooo magazine featured hey? *wonders how I get a copy*

    I do hope you find a weed-helper soon, can't be easy with the back and now the sunshine coming. If I wasn't about to go away I would have been there like a shot (any excuse to see my piglets friends ey!)

    Cracking harvest you have so far - I have visions of you in a sea of jam jars, pickling and preserving!

    Thank you for joining in again Rosie - I hope the lifting ban helps the back improve soon x

  4. Ooh, how envious I am of you by being able to grow your own produce! Sadly we've not got enough space for that where we live at the moment, but it's something on our wish list! Hope your back gets better (if it's of any help, hubby & I tend to do stretches every evening to help keep our backs strong - I can certainly tell when I've missed a coupe of nights doing them!)
    Angela x
    Only Crumbs Remain

  5. We are in a similar situation with the weeds. Had lots of rain and finally managed to get down to the allotment tonight - were weeds everywhere!! Although most other plots looked the same. Nice photos of your produce. I hope your back is back to normal soon. x

  6. Hope your back gets better soon, and boy o boy - the rain, it's unmentionable for August! #hdygg

  7. Oh what fabulous courgettes - mine all rotted on the plant and never got bigger than my little finger! I hope the back is better soon too, it must be so frustrating to see what you want to do but not be able to do it.

  8. despite the lack of water, the weeds here are taking over the sand pit, their roots are very deep, but fortunately they pull straight out the ground very easily

  9. Oh dear:-( I hope that the time to heal goes quickly for you. If I wasn't going back to work myself I would have loved to help. Somehow I enjoy working in other people's homes and gardens more than my own! I hope that you can find someone suitable. Take care!

  10. Very exciting about the magazine feature - just checked but can't peek at it online. take care of your back when you dig up those weeds x

  11. Well your leeks look incredible, don't they! Bravo.


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