
Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Animal Tales - 17

Posted by Rosie

Welcome to Animal Tales, the blog linky that brings together all sorts of animal blog posts from all over the world.  It runs from Tuesday morning thought to Friday night and showcases a wide range of animal related posts.  

Duck Eggs

Ducks are in the news again this week. We now know it is Hilda who is laying the eggs and as an experienced mother she should sit.  By my rough reckoning we could have ducklings by early to mid May. Great for any guests staying then (and we do still have some May availability).

We have also said farewell to our 2 Runner Ducks this week, Ernest and Edith.  Runners are supposed to be excellent egg layers but Edith just wasn't providing the goods and at nearly 5 years old I thought maybe she was just past her prime.  I also need the pen they were in for new chickens so I decided to offer them as a freebie on a local forum.  A couple came to collect them the next day and of course you'll never guess what I found in their shed when I opened it. Yes - an EGG!  Thank you Edith, but just a bit late!

I do however, have a cunning plan to get more duck eggs but you'll have to wait for that. 

Oh and in other news we took the dogs up the beach on Sunday which, by his excited behaviour, was probably  Harry's first time there.  I will blog more about this later in the week.

Saari, Pip and a very excited Harry at Ouistreham Beach

Thank you so much for everyone who joined in with #AnimalTales last week and welcome to those who linked for the first time.  Now it's getting harder to chose my favourites!  Special mentions this week then to our first spider post, a trip to the PDSA, introducing dogs to babies and a cat called Leeeettlleee Sheeeeet.

Feel free to come and add your animal related posts to the linky below.  The posts can be old or new and as varied as the animals who we share our world with.  There's a Pinterest Board with pictures from all the linked blogs which you can see here and if you tweet with the hashtag #AnimalTales I'll retweet you.  Just give me a nudge if I appear to have forgotten you.

Full details of the linky can be found here and once again can I remind people to comment on a few of the others who link up.  It's only polite and keeps the thing working!


  1. Oh how i miss having chickens and fresh eggs and I wish we could take our dog on the beach but they are banned in Dubai and properly with good reason, I've never lived anywhere where there is so much dog mess left on pavements by lazy owners

    1. I thought France was bad for dog mess. What a pity it is a problem in Dubai too.

  2. I'm so glad the runner ducks got a new home, a breed that I love.

    1. I loved them too but at this time they just did not fit in with our plans ... and plans we do have ;) They have gone to what sounds like a lovely time and Edith will probably now lay loads of eggs!

  3. Hi Rosie, love the name of the ducks, so sad that they had to be re homed. I've missed out on some lovely photo opportunities as a chicken down the road has been proudly parading her chicks around the grape vines. My husband came home the other evening and said that mother hen had her chicks under her wings and seemed settled in the middle of the road for the night...Luckily they're fine.

    Our dogs always act as if they've never run free when we take them to the beach. It's lovely to watch.

    Thank you for not giving up nudging me and thank you for hosting. Hope you don't mind if I pop back tomorrow to browse?

    1. Thank you for such a lovely long comment and enjoy your browsing. I miss Ernest and Edith but sometimes it is for the better that certain animals move on. So glad the hen and her chicks were OK.

  4. I'm glad you were able to find new homes for the ducks and they didn't end up in doggy duck stew. I've never had a duck egg. I guess I should do something about that.

  5. So nice to be able to take a stroll along the beach.


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