
Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Animal Tales - 15

Posted by Rosie

Welcome to Animal Tales, the blog linky that brings together all sorts of animal blog posts from all over the world.  It runs from Tuesday morning thought to Friday night and showcases a wide range of animal related posts.  

First of all a huge thank you to everyone who joined in last week and we had our biggest number of linked blogs to date.  Once again there was a large variety of posts with these ones catching my eye - Rosie, a donkey in high heels (yes, you DID read that correctly), a Mad Hatters Tea Party complete with a chicken (you read THAT correctly too) and a post to welcome Gina's new puppy, Charlie.

Thank you for all your captions to last week duck pictures - you are all a winner!

With spring appearing to be here (please, winter - no nasty late surprises) this is a popular and good time to get a new puppy.  For some this may be the first time they have owned a puppy so if this is the case for you (or perhaps you have friends or family getting a puppy for the first time) I urge you to please read the post I have added to the link, highlighting the questions you need to ask before going a head and bringing that cute puppy home. 

So cute - but is she the right dog for you?

Feel free to come and add your animal related posts to the linky below.  The posts can be old or new and as varied as the animals who we share our world with.  There's a Pinterest Board with pictures from all the linked blogs which you can see here and if you tweet with the hashtag #AnimalTales I'll retweet you.  Just give me a nudge if I appear to have forgotten you.

Full details of the linky can be found here and once again can I remind people to comment on a few of the others who link up.  It's only polite and keeps the thing working!


  1. Thanks for hosting, I've linked an old post, hope that's ok, I normally write on a Friday and linked it it last week. Love checking out other people's post about their lovely pets x

    1. Old posts are fine and I'm loving meeting so many pets too :)

  2. Spring has got to me and I've been out and about. Hope you have a good week.

  3. Hello, delighted to join in for the first time, it's an old post, but it makes me smile so I hope others will enjoy it too. Thanks

    1. Thank you for joining and the post made me smile too. Everyone should get a Diet Doggy!

  4. Thank you for hosting. This week I have linked up my project 365 post as it has some exciting animal news in :-) x

  5. Hi Rosie, I've finally written a post I can link up here! Thank you for the consistent weekly nudges, I knew I'd get here in the end.

    1. Yay, thanks Debbie and oh what a naughty Flossie. Many thanks for linking up and hope we'll be reading more about your animals soon.


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