
Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Animal Tales - 14

Posted by Rosie

Welcome to Animal Tales, the blog linky that brings together all sorts of animal blog posts from all over the world.  It runs from Tuesday morning thought to Friday night and showcases a wide range of animal related posts.  

Saari's diet update

She is looking noticeably thinner despite stealing a few things this week so if I get around to weighing her soon we should see a great improvement.  She has also been getting more exercise, although dashing off after Harry who, himself, was dashing off after a hare was not quite the way I had in mind for her to get more exercise.  

Harry has now been with us for 2 months and if you saw my Silent Sunday picture for this week, I think you will agree that he and Saari really are now the best of friends.


It appears we will have a to wait a bit longer than we had hoped for to have ducklings as Hettie has decided motherhood is not for her and has stopped sitting on her eggs.  We are now waiting for Hilda or Hettie to come into lay and hope they will be more maternal.

Has anyone got a caption for this duck picture then? 

Harold, Hilda and Hettie

Thank you to everyone who joined in last week which included lots of new linkers (is that a word?).  We got to meet Stampey the cat who was turned into a Nyan Cat, a bat in need of rescue, and details of the oh so French problem of dog poop with one woman's campaign to get it cleared up.

Feel free to come and add your animal related posts to the linky below.  The posts can be old or new and as varied as the animals who we share our world with.  There's a Pinterest Board with pictures from all the linked blogs which you can see here and if you tweet with the hashtag #AnimalTales I'll retweet you.  Just give me a nudge if I appear to have forgotten you.

Full details of the linky can be found here and once again can I remind people to comment on a few of the others who link up.  It's only polite and keeps the thing working!


  1. Three white ducks sitting on a wall,
    Three white ducks perched on a wall,
    and if one white duck should accidentally fall
    There'll be two white ducks sqwarking on a wall.

  2. Caption - 'Last one to jump is a chicken!'

  3. Oh dear, I hope the duckling issue is resolved soon!

  4. Looks like Kriss has already won the caption competition, I can't beat that! Are they all Muscovy ducks? We see several of those in Ely :)

    1. Yes, Muscovies who are SUPPOSED to be great mothers!

  5. Sorry about the ducklings, hopefully the other Ducks will start feeling more maternal soon!

  6. Aw shame about the ducklings. I'm looking forward to checking out all these lovely animal posts :)

  7. Hi, I have joined in for the first time with our new addition to the family. Lovely linky :) I'm not good with captions but "Get off my log!" springs to mind

  8. It's a late entry from us, I usually post on a Friday so maybe I should add the previous weeks post on a Tuesday, I'll have to give it some thought xxx


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