
Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Animal Tales - 5

Posted by Rosie

Welcome to Animal Tales, the blog linky that brings together all sorts of animal blog posts.  It runs from Tuesday morning thought to Friday night and showcases a wide range of animal related posts. 

I hope you and your pets all had a lovely Christmas and I hope there are some festive posts to link up.  We may possibly have gone a bit overboard on the number of dogs we had staying for Christmas as we were dog sitting for 2 friends who went to England, each leaving us 2 dogs.  For the last week then we have been home to Poppy, Saari, Freya, Izzy, MinPig and Pip.  Walking time did occasionally become a tangle of leads and feeding time was challenging.  It was great fun though to have so many dogs here!

Favourite posts from the last Animal Tales before Christmas included Toby's Story, a dog who knew where his home should be; A Life with Cats and the Story Of Robin Redbreast and why robins often feature on Christmas cards.

Feel free to come and add your animal related posts to the linky below.  The posts can be old or new and as varied as the animals are who we share our world with.   There's a Pinterest Board with pictures from all the linked blogs which you can see here and if you tweet with the hashtag #AnimalTales I'll retweet you. Full details of the linky can be found here and once again can I remind people to comment on a few of the others who link up.  It's only polite and keeps the thing working!  


  1. What a lovely Linky, I've linked up, thank you. I will be back a little later to read and comment on some of the other posts.x

    1. Thanks Natalie - there didn't seem to be any animal linky so I filled the gap. I too will be commenting later but I have half a tonne of sugar beet to move first!!

  2. Ah it must be a mad house with all those pets x

    1. In fairness they were all quite calm and luckily got on well together. We sometimes look after another dog but he is rather more lively - that would have been more challenging!

  3. No animal tales from me this week I'm afraid Rosie, but thanks for featuring my last post and I hope to be back soon!

  4. I'm sure I have some old posts I could link up, but we love to get out and about so a linky to remember for the future too :)


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