
Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Animal Tales - 2

Posted by Rosie

Maddie Madras, the goat

Animal Tales is a weekly blog linky that brings together all sorts of animal blog posts.  It runs from Tuesday morning thought to Sunday night and if last week was anything to go by it offers readers a lovely range of posts to read through.  I've set up a Pinterest Board too with pictures from all those linked blogs. 

Here's sending a huge thank you to everyone who took part in the first Animal Tales last week with a very respectable 13 link ups.   There was a good range of posts including poetry, trips to a Bird of Prey Centre and a rather headstrong young pup!  If I had to chose though I think my favourites were the Tales of Wild Boar, Fornicating Sheep, a canine CV and a trip to the hydrotherapy pool for one small dog.

Please do join in this week if you have an old or new animal post.  I have taken the opportunity to introduce you to our farm animals here at Eco-Gites of Lenault ... and I look forward to meeting more of your feathered and furred friends.  If you can add the Animal Tales badge to your blog/post that would be great too ... oh and if you tweet with the hashtag #AninalTales I'll do my best to give you a retweet.   

More details of the linky are here but can I please give one reminder - for a linky to work those taking part really do need to visit and comment on a few other linked posts - that way we can all increase our readership.  The linky won't work if you don't do this.   

OK nag over.  Time to link up!


  1. Thanks for featuring my boar story...and here's another one this week!

    1. I love your boar stories - make me quite glad I have not seen one in the flesh mind you!

  2. This is a lovely idea, I will try to remember to join in!

    1. Thank you Mary - I'll do my best to give you a reminder tweet!

  3. Thanks so much for hosting this lovely linky Rosie :) x

    1. And thank you for joining in, Lisa. After your lovely poem last week I am writing one about Poppy which I may publish if I am happy with it. Thank you for the inspiration.

  4. Your animals all look so wonderful, I'm wishing I had a little small holding! We did used to have Chickens though, I loved them and we got more eggs than we knew what to do with!

    1. Thank you and ah yes - the egg mountain! Luckily I make a lot of pavlovas for gite guests in the summer and I do freeze some eggs for cake making when the birds go off lay ... but I have been known to have nearly 100 eggs in the mountain before.


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