
Thursday, 6 November 2014

First Frost!

Posted by Rosie

On Saturday it was warm enough to have lunch outside in shirtsleeves.

Today we had our first morning frost!

On the school run yesterday it was showing 4ºC and this morning this had dropped to 2ºC but it must have been colder than that earlier as there was plenty of evidence of frost.  Simon had to scrape his car windscreen and the grass was covered in rime.  The winter cabbages were resplendent in theirs icy decoration but the leeks had escaped any frosting, possibly because they are in the lea of the polytunnel thus giving some protection (or due to the amount of weeds around them giving a warming blanket!).  By mid morning, as the temperature rose, it was clear to see that the bean leaves had blackened under the frosty onslaught but the with luck the pumpkins that are still in the polytunnel will be OK. 

Frosty Windscreen

Frosty Field

Rime Frost

Leeks in amongst far too many weeds!
Frosty Cabbage

Out and about on a dog walk down the valley later on, despite the frost there was plenty of Autumn colour to be seen:

Bryony Berries

Autumn colour in the river valley

Hazel Leaves

Iris foetidissima berries (Stinking Iris)

Perhaps someone needs to tell this little periwinkle that we are in Autumn and not Spring when it should be flowering.  Not that I am complaining, it was lovely to see.

Have you had a frost yet ... or are you on the other side of the world and heading towards Spring?  I'd love to know how your garden is doing this week.

Linking up with Annie's HDYGG linky over at the recently renamed Simple Wanderlust.  
I wonder if anyone else will be talking frost?
Simple Wanderlust


  1. We've had a very frosty night too, down here in London. It's all a bit bonkers as we were celebrating Halloween last week in T-shirts and flip-flops. All the best. Bonny

    1. Yup - Nov 1st we had lunch outside in shirtsleeves but now Autumn/winter has arrived. Very mild again today though.

  2. There were hints of a frost last night - which is what you'd expect for Bonfire Night, but it's been late coming this year. I really must get out into my garden and bring in the ornaments that aren't frost proof. And btw I think that leek blanket could be the new thing for leeks this year!!

    1. It was late here too - in previous years we have had frost as early as Sept 28th. Good excuse to get the woodburner lit though!

  3. Yes, our first frost this morning-my son thought it was snow, bless him. It's suddenly turned very Autumnal and cold-we need gloves in the morning now for the school run :)

    1. Awww - I am sure there will be snow soon enough for him though!

  4. We also saw our first hard frost this morning, winter is on it's way. Lovely pictures x #HDTGG

    1. Thank you Kirsty. I like cold winter weather - not so keen on wind and rain though.

  5. We had snow on Sunday! It didn't last, but it did lie for the afternoon - I'm not ready for winter! Love the frosty cabbage :) #HDYGG

  6. oh now i have the green eyed monster that is the frost i have been waiting for here so we can finally rotovate the garden hope none of your havest suffered

    1. It saw off the last of the beans but all the winter stuff is fine.

  7. Frost everywhere by the sounds of it, well ok maybe not quite EVERYWHERE, but lots of places!
    I had a bit of a shiver looking at your photos this week, I can feel a battle of the thermostat coming on here *sneaks off to crank it up to 19*

    Turn that frosty cabbage into warm cabbage soup, perfect for chilly hands :)

    Thanks for joining in again lovely - and stay warm! x

    1. I actually like frosty days - especially when you can head back inside to the woodburner.

  8. We have had frost this morning and we even put on the heating for this first time. That's the price we have to pay for beautiful blue skies!

    1. No heating here but we have had to light the woodburner!

  9. We had our first hard frost this morning, everything look beautiful in the morning sun. I'm so glad you posted a photo of the Iris foetidissima - I keep seeing them around and now I finally know what they are :)

  10. yes! we've started having frosts and freezes. brrrr! i'm not ready!

    1. I am - they are late arriving this year and the garden needs them.

  11. I had my first windscreen scrape yesterday morning - quite an easy one so too bad. I like the chilliness the frosts bring though. The time really adds something to a photo. Beautiful :)

    1. Thank you - luckily I can park the car in the barn as window scraping at 7.10 when the boys have a school bus to catch is not pleasant.


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