
Friday 10 October 2014

La Cavalcade Multicoloré - Calvados' Decorated Horses

Posted by Rosie

When we were up at Caen recently, at The Chambre de Commerce we were greeted by this rather splendid horse:


Simon was then up at Ouistrehan (Caen) ferry port and saw this one:


I  love the way they have included the Keep Calm logo but subtly changed the crown for the 2 lions of Normandy!

A friend saw one at Macdonalds and we saw these 2 on a roundabout.  Sorry, terrible photo taken out of a moving car early in the morning!  

We therefore assumed that there might be others.  In fact there are 45, all life sized, many decorated and all located around the department of Calvados.  They are there as part of the celebrations for the World Equestrian Games that took place in Calvados in September. The leaflet we found said that they would be in place until mid-September but obviously some are still there.  We also saw this one at the Château de Caen but the others that had been there were no longer in place unfortunately.  I do hope some stay longer though, as they really are rather impressive.


I know about similar installations in the UK - there were the Olympic Mascots and the Grommit (From Wallace and ... ).  I was also pointed towards another equine cavalcade, this time in Newmarket and celebrating the winners of the 2000 guineas.  Thanks Lisa for the link to your blog and pictures of these horse.  So are there any more like this you have seen, in the UK or elsewhere?

Post Comment Love


  1. 45? Wow :) I hope you find a few more, they are beautiful.

    & thanks so much for linking back to my small collection :)

    1. Thanks for linking to me in the first place, Lisa! I really hope there are few more still around and am cross I didn't get to see the 20 that were at the Château earlier.

  2. These are fantastic! I'm a horse lover so I bet this is a wonderful sight to see x

    1. Aren't they just! I am only cross that I did not get to see all of them . I really hope they leave the remaining ones up for longer.

  3. As you know, I love horses and I would LOVE to see this. They are all so beautifully done. Thank you for linking to PoCoLo :) x

    1. I am hoping to sea few more before they are taken down. I wonder what happens to them after they are removed though ...

  4. They look delightful :) These trails seem to be pretty popular these days and I certainly am a big fan!

    1. I think they are a great idea and only wish I had known about this one sooner so I could have seen more of the horses.


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